chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Evangeline gradually regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open. Disoriented at first, she quickly realized she couldn't move and felt the constriction of being tightly bound. Panic surged through her veins as she surveyed her surroundings. The room was dimly lit, and she noticed the unsettling sensation of motion, realizing she was inside a moving vehicle. It was then that a deep voice shattered the silence.

"I see you're awake, princess," the man's voice rang out, accompanied by a mocking laughter that sent shivers down Evangeline's spine.

"Release me this instant, or my parents will show you no mercy," she retorted, her voice laced with determination, hoping to invoke fear in her captor.

A chilling smirk crept across the man's face as he responded, "I'm afraid your parents are unaware of your unfortunate predicament, my dear princess."

Evangeline's heart sank, a sense of disbelief washing over her. "That can't be true! They must be searching for me," she argued, clinging to the hope that her parents were already on the quest to find her.

The man's voice turned tauntingly sharp. "Then explain to me why you were all alone when I took you. Why does everyone avoid you?" he challenged, his words laced with intrigue.

Evangeline's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing to comprehend his words. "You're just trying to deceive me," she mustered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features.

With a smug smile, the man continued, "Oh, but I assure you, princess, there is truth in what I say. Your parents may even feign affection for you."

Evangeline's voice trembled as she rejected his claim. "No! That's not true! They love me!" she protested, attempting to shield herself from his words.

The man leaned in closer, his words dripping with malevolence. "But why were you left alone on the terrace tonight? Why were you isolated?"

(Maybe... maybe there is some truth to what he's saying. But why? Why does everyone despise me?) Evangeline's mind whirled with confusion, her thoughts becoming entangled in a web of doubt.

"You're beginning to comprehend, princess. You're starting to realize that no one can save you now. You must wonder why everyone hates you," he taunted, his tone resonating with sinister satisfaction.

"Enough with the riddles! Tell me why people despise me!" Evangeline's impatience boiled over, her desperation demanding answers.

The man's voice lowered, laden with malice. "Impatience suits you well, princess. Very well, then. On the day of your birth, a formidable magical creature attacked, leaving a trail of destruction and death. Do you know where that creature resides now?"

Evangeline's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief sweeping across her face. "What does that creature have to do with me?"

A malevolent smile played upon the man's lips. "That creature, princess, was sealed within you," he stated, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"You're lying! It's impossible!" Evangeline's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and denial, unable to fathom the revelation.

(If there was something inside me, I would have felt its presence, wouldn't I?) Doubt gnawed at her as she grappled with the notion.

"If that is the reason behind everyone's aversion, if that is why you are detested, then perhaps you deserve to die," the man sneered, inching closer to her, his hand clutching a glinting knife.

"No! Please, don't!" Evangeline pleaded, her voice filled with desperation, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Unbeknownst to her, something extraordinary was unfolding within her. As the man raised the knife, a surge of immense magical energy surged forth from Evangeline's body. Her once crimson eyes transformed into a piercing shade of blue, and her teeth sharpened, imbuing her with an otherworldly presence.

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