Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The boy with blue hair pointed directly at Evangeline and shouted, his voice filled with arrogance, "Princess of humans, face me in a fight to see who will marry Princess Megumi!"

Evangeline rolled her eyes and responded with a dismissive tone, "No, thanks. You can have her if you want."

"Don't be silly. Fight me. Are you scared? That's it," he taunted, his confidence oozing.

Evangeline shook her head, her patience wearing thin. "I don't care. I already told you, you can have her. Now leave me alone. I don't want to fight."

Megumi stepped forward, her disappointment evident on her face, and intervened, "Yuriko, stop bothering her. And I've already told you, I don't want to marry you."

Yuriko brushed off Megumi's words, determination in his eyes. "Megumi, I don't care what you say. I still have to fight her to prove my love for you. After all, she dared to touch you, and that's unforgivable," he declared, pointing an accusing finger at Evangeline.

Misaki chimed in, encouraging Evangeline, "Accept the fight, Evangeline. After all, you have nothing to lose."

Yuriko seized the opportunity, adding, "Yes, listen to your mother. But know that if you lose, I will marry Megumi."

Evangeline sighed, realizing the situation was escalating. "I've already told you before, I don't want to fight you."

Yuriko's determination grew, and he threatened, "No, you have to agree, or I'll follow you everywhere, without exception, even into the toilet."

Megumi, trying to diffuse the tension, spoke up, "Evangeline, just accept his challenge. It's not that bad."

Evangeline struggled with the idea but ultimately responded, "No, thanks. I'll pass."

Azumi, with a smile, interjected, "It would be good practice for you, Evangeline. Then agree."

"Well, if you're telling me to, Azumi, then I'll do it. Hey, kid, you want to fight right now? Let's get it over with," Evangeline agreed, her voice tinged with reluctant determination.

Yuriko smirked, correcting her, "I'm just pointing out that you're a kid too. We're not going to fight in front of the castle. Let's go inside, to the arena. That's where we'll settle this," he said confidently.

Hanako nodded in agreement, "Well, let's go inside the castle. I can't wait to see how this fight turns out."

The group entered the castle, and a butler accompanied them, carrying their belongings. The interior of the castle was breathtaking, with silver chandeliers adorning the ceiling, shimmering like diamonds. As they walked through, a sense of calm washed over Evangeline, soothing her nerves. Soon, they arrived in front of the fighting arena.

Yuriko sneered at Evangeline, taunting her, "You ready to be beaten?"

Evangeline looked at him, calm and collected, and asked one more time, "I'll ask you again. Are you sure you want to do this?"

The two of them descended into the arena while the others took their seats in the stands. Within moments, they stood face to face in the center of the arena.

Hanako's voice echoed through the stands, declaring the stakes, "Whoever wins gets to marry my daughter!"

Evangeline pondered her predicament, considering her options. Suddenly, Azumi's voice broke through her thoughts, accompanied by a dark look that sent a shiver down her spine, "Evangeline, you'd better do your best."

The weight of Azumi's expectation settled on her shoulders. Evangeline realized she had no choice. It was time to take this seriously, even if her opponent was just a child.

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