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Evangeline found herself locked in a passionate kiss with Mana's double, lost in the illusion's enchanting embrace. However, her dreamlike reverie was abruptly shattered when she felt a series of gentle and then forceful impacts on her face. It jolted her awake.

Opening her eyes, Evangeline discovered that she was back in the forest. Before her stood the stern principal, cradling Seiko in her arms. Seiko wore an obvious scowl, and at their feet lay the half-elf, half-demon woman, unconscious.

The principal's voice dripped with anger as she scolded, "What were you two doing? Couldn't you see you were about to recklessly throw your lives away in that illusion? And that ridiculous smile on your face while you slept – what was that about?"

Evangeline blushed deeply, her embarrassment palpable, while Seiko turned his gaze elsewhere, unwilling to discuss the events within the illusion.

"I'm truly sorry," Evangeline began, her expression apologetic. "I didn't expect the illusion to be so convincing." Seiko remained silent, his anger still smoldering.

"I'll let it slide this time," the principal stated, her tone softening slightly. "But you must exercise more caution in the future. I won't always be there to protect you."

Evangeline and Seiko nodded in agreement, and together they continued toward the designated safe location, Seiko once again perched on Evangeline's head.

As the headmistress, Rosaline, dragged the still-unconscious half-elven, half-demon woman away, Evangeline couldn't help but inquire, "What are you going to do with her, Madam Principal?"

"We're just going to interrogate her and then imprison her to find out who organized all this," Rosaline replied.

Soon, they reached a safe haven, where a mix of students and teachers had gathered. Some bore minor injuries, while others were deeply affected by the traumatic events. Among the faces, Evangeline and Seiko spotted their own group, looking worried but safe. A collective sigh of relief escaped them as they saw Evangeline and Seiko approach.

In a shift of perspective, Principal Rosaline, after ensuring Evangeline and Seiko's safety at the safe location and delivering the half-elven, half-demon woman to a professor, moved deeper into the forest. She conjured a crystal ball that began to glow, and after a few moments, an image of Midori, the dragon man, appeared.

"What's the matter, Rosaline? Why are you calling me this time?" Midori asked, appearing somewhat fatigued.

"During the survival exercise, the students and teachers were attacked, and I need your help with something," Rosaline explained with a serious demeanor.

"Well, tell me what I have to do then, Rosaline. Stop keeping me in suspense," Midori inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"I want you to seize this opportunity to get rid of Toshiko. We can simply claim he disappeared during the attack," Rosaline replied with a sadistic grin spreading across her face.

In that moment, Midori's eyes sparkled, mirroring the smile on his face.

"We just need to watch out for Jade, and everything will proceed smoothly," Rosaline emphasized, ensuring the plan was executed flawlessly.

"Alright, I'll handle Jade, eliminate Toshiko, and contact you when it's done," Midori confirmed.

With that, Midori's image vanished as the crystal ball ceased its glow.

"Excellent, now we can set this plan into motion," Rosaline declared before her laughter resonated throughout the forest.

Suddenly, footsteps drew near, and when Rosaline turned, she found Nurse Jade approaching.

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