Ch. 1 - Shadow Claw

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I was only a petty kitten when I was abandoned at Grimmauld Place, tucked into a tiny basket and wrapped in warm blankets with a little note and a tiny baby bottle. I didn't even know who put me there - still don't. The only thing I knew was that I was the last Shadow Claw in existence and my name, in fact, was Shadow Claw in honour of the first to ever live.

I woke up alone, and cried out for my mother helplessly in a shrill mew. I was frightened out of my poor wits. What was to become of me? Badger fodder?

At that same moment, a young man with shaggy black hair opened the carved door that was only just in my view. His eyes were calm and collected as he tipped his head to the side to peer down at me.

I didn't care who he was; I just wanted someone to take care of me.

The man didn't move for a small while, and I cried out again, mewing as loud as I could but it was weak and puny, for my throat was parched and my stomach was starved.

"Well, I would have preferred a canine, but still. Come on beautiful, don't cry. It's going to be okay." He spoke softly, reaching out to me slowly. His arms wrapped around the blankets that cocooned me and lifted me into his embrace. He smelled faintly like dog, but I didn't mind; he was warm and probably had food. That was all I needed.

"Shadow Claw, hm? How are you baby Shadow?" The nice man asked after reading the little note in my basket, smiling as he glanced down at me. Shutting the door, he turned and paced forwards towards what I hoped was a room to eat.

I half-squeaked half-mewed as I could not talk yet. I liked this man, and I think he like me too. 'Foo plees.' I thought to myself, not able to form any proper words. "I'm Sirius. I bet you're hungry, baby Shadow. Do you want some milk?" Sirius pressed me sideways against his heated chest, forcing me to emit a high-pitched purr. He laughed lightly and used one finger to stroke my head. My little body vibrated in affection; Sirius was - I didn't know it at that point - going to be a big part of my life in the future.

Sirius set me down carefully on a kitchen island, still buried in a tangle of blanket fabric. I instantly missed his touch as he zipped over to a very tidy looking fridge. He pulled open the door with ease, grasping a double pint bottle of skimmed milk as white as snow - but, of course at that moment, I had no idea what snow was.

I watched curiously as Sirius took my baby bottle and filled it with the cool liquid. Then, he approached me and picked me up once more. A hungry mew escaped my muzzle, and he smiled softly before placing the rubber tip of the bottle at my mouth and letting me suckle. It filled me right up - considering I finished the whole bottle.

I yawned tiredly, wriggling to try and get closer to Sirius. He sat down on a pale brown double sofa in front of a crackling fire and, rearranging my blankets like a little nest, settled me on his lap. This time, my whole body was exposed to his sights - Sirius once explained to me that I was the cutest little bundle of fur he had ever seen... I bit his leg for that.

Anyway - I was small enough to curl up in both Sirius' palms, my shining fur was darker than the darkest blacks and my eyes were a rich purple-violet colour. Sleep was winning over my consciousness, like a wolf catching up on a deer - prolonging the inevitable.

"Sleep, baby Shadow." He spoke oh-so gently, contributing to my lack of will to stay awake. My vibrant eyes fluttered shut, and I curled up happily - I wasn't even curious as to who abandoned me outside Grimmauld Place - in all honesty, I didn't care - still don't.

Slowly but surely, I sank into the bottomless reaches of slumber, the world around me fading out of view, only the sounds reaching me along with Sirius' hand carefully stroking my delicate frame.

Little did I know, I was about to be thrown into a world of chaos and destruction...

I just had to be born recently, did't I?

Shadow Claw: The Life Story - The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now