Ch. 16 - Flying, Friends and Frenemies

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I was immediately assaulted with bear hugs and cries of happiness. James and Jenny had been waiting at the boat dock at Hogwarts for me; I had been too busy thinking about Shade to notice them, until they'd yelled my name at me.

I laughed loudly and hugged both of my best friends back - well, as best as I could. I was still in Claw form. Jenny cupped my furry face and smiled, "I'm glad your back, Shadow. We've missed you so much! But of course, James would never admit that." James just grinned and sat on my back, munching on a bag of something orange and cheesy smelling.

"Come on Shadow! Mush!" He cried, kicking my sides with his heels. I growled softly, but allowed Jenny to climb on and get settled. "Yay! The Shadow express!" James scratched behind my ear and I let out a triumphant roar before speeding up the steps with my two best friends perched on my back.

I spread my wings and took to the air like it was a second nature. Before I could recall my actions, I was soaring high in the air, above the boat dock. I roared again, and flapped my wings, allowing the wind to carry me higher. "Shadow! You're flying!" Jenny exclaimed, half with fear and half with pride. I always was her favourite. *cue cat face*


Landing was a little rough - I barrel rolled but managed to tuck Jenny and James into my wings and keep them unscathed.

Anyway, we had reached the Great Hall a little late - by late, I meant an hour. We had almost missed the housing ceremony.

"Go, go! I'll be inside in a moment." I hissed at both of them. They departed for the Great Hall, leaving me to my thoughts outside the golden doors that were so intricately carved. When James' name was called, "James Black!" I perked my ears and leaned closer to the crack in the frames.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat cried from inside. I mentally cheered but something told me that shit was about to go down.

"Jenny Potter!" Professor McGonnagall called out Jenny's name and the whole crowd went silent. I heard small footsteps, assuming it was Jenny, I silently prayed that she would be housed in Gryffindor. She didn't deserve to be in Slytherin.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled once more, then my heart sank. Was she really as innocent as I thought? The crowd of Hogwarts students rose to a loud chatter as they discussed Jenny Potter's fate. I snarled quietly, nobody talks about my Jenny and gets away with it!

I heard slow paced steps and strained my ears to hear the next words:

"Yes, yes, welcome first years!" It was Dumbledore. "Now, before the feast, we have two last students to introduce you to. One has two forms, while the other has three

Two students?

Three forms?

"Please give your welcoming attitudes to Shadow Claw, and Athea Nova!"

I held my head up high and narrowed my purple eyes, just as a smaller girl approached me. This girl was not any ordinary wizard - she was a Night Claw, and a strong one at that. These Claws were often mistaken for Shadow Claws - they were fools gold, in another sense. I took no longer than a few seconds to take in her appearance; gingery brown hair that waved into a fringe across her forehead, along with her smooth tanned skin and blueish green eyes. Overall, a beautiful Claw, with a dangerous look in her expression. Ah! She was an animagus too - a gentle wolf with beige, brown, ginger and grey fur. I could smell it on her body - the scent of canine.

The golden doors to the Great Hall swung open and in we both strode - I, as a magnificent beast, and she, as a enchanting human.

Whispers echoed around the Hall, more from the Ravenclaw's and Gryffindor's. I flicked my tail, more from the nerve of being watched by so many people, rather than in irritance. We both made our way to the front of the Hall, the murmurings dropping as I felt Athea glare at many of the students.

I growled under my breath, rounding the front to shift and stand beside Dumbledore. A few gasps came from the Slytherin table as I bowed, my hair falling over my shoulder like an inky waterfall. The students and teachers clapped as I went to sit down beside James and Jenny on our bench. I sighed, shaking my head as I stared at Athea curiously.

The Sorting Hat was placed upon her head as she sat on the wooden stool. "Hmm, yes. Curious one you are. Traits from Hufflepuff... Ravenclaw... Gryffindor... and Slytherin. Hm, yes. But there is a darkness, yes. Hm, I think... GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shrieked.

Interesting indeed. Very interesting indeed. Dumbledore finished the clapping then nodded and waved his wand, then the food of all types appeared with a flash of magic. I rolled my eyes; I wasn't hungry - yet.

As Athea rounded the Slytherin, I stood up and gripped her arm harshly. She didn't look at me. "Look, Nova." I hissed, so quietly that only she could hear, "I know what you are. I know who you are. Don't go parading around, showing off - that doesn't sit well with me. Be aware - I'm watching."

She glanced at me and flinched from the venom in my eyes, but gave me a hard stare back, "You can count on that - Shadow." She growled, then shrugged off my hand and walked to her seat. I sat back down and rubbed my temples. Jenny put a hand on my back and I peered up to meet her gaze. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nova." I replied bitterly.

"You mean Athea? What's wrong with her?" James pondered aloud.

I hissed at him to keep it quiet, "She's a Night Claw - they're renown for being a bit showy. They like to think they're Shadow Claws sometimes, and their stories are often believed. There are many differences between us and them though." I uttered, breathing out in exasperation.

"Let's just get dinner over with - I have alot to tell you guys." I smirked at them both and they exchanged glances with each other. "Sure." They said in unison.

Boy, this was going to be a long year.

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