Ch. 24 - Inner Worries

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I padded back and forth in the hospital wing, my wings partly folded outwards, my eyes a dark hue of purple and James standing well away from me. I was pissed.

Jenny and Harry had escaped the Chamber of Secrets with Gilderoy Lockheart, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley and Fawkes the pheonix having defeated Tom Marvolo Riddle - Voldemort - once more. However, I was pissed because Jenny was unconscious on a hospital bed. I was pissed because Jenny was in danger. I was pissed because Shade was a jerk - still is. I. Was. Pissed.

I had snapped and snarled at anybody - even James - who even came close to Jenny. She was a second mother to me and nothing was ever going to happen to her while I was around.

"Shadow, calm yourself." Dumbledore's voice rang out throughout the hall. It did the opposite effect though - it enraged me more. "Calm!?" I snarled, making James flinch. "How can I be calm when she's unconscious on a hospital bed with no explanation as to why she was attacked by a giant snake!?" I bellowed, sides heaving from the immense anger inside me.

"Shadow." A hoarse whisper stilled me.


"Jenny?" I was at her side in an instant, James slowly creeping up beside me. I didn't growl at him however, because he deserved to see his best friend too. Jenny's eyes opened slowly and a small smile graced her lips, "Hey little panther." She raised her hand and gently stroked my chin. I purred deeply, rubbing my cheek over her arm.

James grinned, "You're awake." He observed.

Jenny laughed lightly - his humour never failed to amaze us all, "You're a genius." She replied. I let out a short chuckle of amusement and licked his hand. He grimaced, "Nice one Shadow. Yeuch." He grumbled. Sure, James loved muck and dirt and all things muddy but my slobber would make him run a mile. I wore a toothy grin, my eyes mischievous


Two Weeks Later

"It's almost the end of school." James and Jenny cried in unison, laughing and giggling as they rolled around in the soft grass below me. I was sat on a small hill, my paws tucked neatly underneath me. While my two best friends were singing and dancing (very badly, I must add - sorry guys!) about the end of school, I was fighting my inner demons about returning to the Claw pack and facing Shade.

"Shadow?" Jenny came to lay beside me, leaving James to frolock around like a spring lamb. I hummed nonchalantly, she already knew about me and Shade - I told both of them. I sighed, "What am I going to do Jenny? He's the leader now and I'm just... well, another member. A burden." I muttered.

Jenny shook her head, "He loves you, and you love him. Don't you?" She looked me in the eye, her own eyes wary but also encouraging. I stumbled to my paws and flicked my ears, "I.." I puffed, "I don't know. I guess so?" I more asked than anything.

She shook her head again, this time with a stern expression, "Wrong answer. You do love him, now, you can kick his butt because, quite frankly, he deserves it, but at the end of the day you two are mates. Your relationships are built on trust, love and strength, are they not?" She smiled faintly, and I swallowed hard. "Yeah." I mumbled, flopping back to the grassy hill.

"Now stop being such a bitch about this and go tackle James!" Jenny yelled happily, rolling down the hill like a... a... a rolly... Jenny... thingy. I laughed, springing to my paws and barreling after her, ploughing into James and knocking him off his feet. He yelped, shifting into his animagus wolf and nipping at my ears. I whined, batting his face with my paws gently, careful not to extent my claws and hurt him.


After a while, Jenny and James had decided to take a quick nap under my wings as a shelter from the scorching sun. It had been a lovely few days, considering Jenny had made a quick recovery from her... experience - which, I was still pissed at - still am.

I gazed out over the forest, until I spotted a flicker of movement upwind. I sniffed the air - the scent was familiar and quite strong. I couldn't put my claw on it though. What or who was it?

Suddenly, I saw a figure I knew I recognized.

A wolf with an assortment of colours on her fur.


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