Ch. 11 - Shade

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It wasn't...

It wasn't what I expected...

Earlier, Hagrid had dropped me off at the Claw camp, gave me the names of a few of the important Claws then rushed off, mumbling something about 'Norbert and Charlie'? I had shifted back to my Claw form, feeling more than a little uncomfortable.

What I had expected to be a hard working pack full of exhausted, over-worked Claws, was actually a beautiful clearing with many Claws laying down in the sun, basking in the light for warmth and comfort. The whole camp was surrounded with thick, bushy trees and alot of underbrush to camoflage it. There was a thin river that meandered straight through the place, giving it a natural feel along with the emerald grass and, most of all, the scented atmosphere, suffused with jasmine and fresh rain.

It was perfect...

It was going to be my home.

Behind a small waterfall, near the rocky source of the river, emerged a dark-furred Stone Claw. Hagrid had told me that his name was Vulcan, and he had a Blood Claw son the same age as me, called Shade. Vulcan was the Alpha of the pack, with his Earth Claw mate Adrienne who commanded beside him as his equal.

Claws were always about their equals; nobody was above each other but there was always a pair who needed to make sure that order and peace was maintained. This was the Alpha and the Alpha's mate. Unlike a wolf pack, Claws did not have Betas, Gammas, Deltas or Omegas. It was basically one big family - though there was always at least one pack whore or show-off.

I bowed my head to Vulcan as he approached, and behind him came Adrienne, who I also bowed to. "Alpha Vulcan, Alpha Adrienne. I am Shadow Claw. I am sure Hagrid told you about me, and that I will be staying here for the summer holidays most years." I said politely, gazing up at them who were bigger than I, thought not by much. I was almost fully grown - almost.

"Yes, of course. We are honoured to have a Shadow Claw in our presence. I hope you will feel comfortable here and, to reassure you, you are completely safe. There are no neighbouring packs and nothing that could harm us here. As you are staying here, you will be addressed as a member of our pack, even before the ritual will be done. Shade will be out the cave soon; he's just woken up - he will show you to your cave. Thank you." Adrienne addressed me with a glimmer of... hope? in her eyes. Vulcan peered down at me with a stony look, as if he were trying to figure me out. I flattened my ears slightly.

I nodded slowly when Adrienne had finished, "Thank you. It will be a pleasure staying here." Then, the two Alphas departed while I waited for Shade to appear. I took the chance to clean my paws and wings. I hadn't had the opportunity for a while now - I liked to keep my coat clean and fresh - still do.

I was almost finished with my left wing when I heard a soft pad of paws in front of me. I closed my wings and looked up at find Shade padding towards me. My heart began to beat erratically and my wings shuffled in anticipation.

He was a medium grey-furred Blood Claw with deep red markings along his sides and down his legs. His muzzle was scarred in about three different places and his ears would twitch now and again. His body was toned and muscular. Oh, and his eyes! Oh his eyes! They were a vibrant hazel that sparked with interest. Overall, he was a badass badboy that was obviously on a mission to explode my ovaries.

I shook the dirty thoughts out my head and glanced down awkwardly. "You ready?" He asked, his voice rough, sexy- I growled at myself. Bad Shadow! I wasn't even old enough to have a mate. Not that I wanted one... yet...?

I sighed and nodded, "Yeah. Lead the way." I muttered, my exhaustion finally catching up on me and poisoning my body with its vile touch. I hated being tired - it made me grumpy and nobody liked to be around me when I was grumpy - still don't.

I followed Shade to a cave that was in a shady corner of the camp, overlooked by a large rock, giving it a beautiful shadowed pattern and safeguard against the elements. I sighed in content, happy with the cave I had been given. I turned to Shade, "Thank you." I said as gently as I could with my sleepy mood then padded inside, curling up comfortably.

"Shadow Claw?" Shade asked softly, after a minute of silence. I could feel his eyes on me, but it was a nice feeling. Damn! Why did I feel like this around him?! I had only known him for less than an hour!

I lifted my head, glancing at him, "It's, uh, just Shadow. And, yeah?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Could I, possibly, um, sleep in this cave too? I had a little argument with my dad and he knows he's wrong, but, um, I don't really want to sleep in their cave tonight..." He trailed off. I nodded once, not believing my luck. "Sure, I guess, does this, uh, happen often?" I asked gently, taking pity on him. I had never had any parents, apart from James and Jenny when we were a team.

Shade nodded, curling up beside me. Our tails touched only just, but it was enough for me. I smiled softly, "I've had a long day; I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Shade." I murmured. He gave a short nod and gazed out into the darkening skies outside.

I laid down my head and closed my drooping eyelids, feeling sleep creep  up on me like the BFG. I smirked, remembering the raging thunderstorm that the attic had once. It was a long time ago, but I felt like it was only yesterday.

Lightening had struck Grimmauld Place, and powered an old television enough for all us three to watch the Big Friendly Giant. That was probably the most exciting thing that ever happened, but looking back then, it was a terrible twelve years of my life.

Now I could start a fresh, with a new pack and school.

I smiled as my exhaustion blew over me once more, sending me into a well-earned sleep, anticipating the next day with both anxiety and a rush of adrenaline.

Shadow Claw: The Life Story - The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now