Ch. 8 - Humans

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"If I ever come close to his traitorous face, I'll rip his heart out of his chest." I hissed quietly, but everybody had heard me. I lashed my tail, enraged at the mention of Sirius Black, and bounded out of the Weasley's home.

"Shadow wait! When are you leaving for Hogwarts?" Jenny called after me, running to the doorway. I glanced briefly over my shoulder, "As soon as I learn to fly." I replied darkly, then spread my wings and leapt into the air. There was a few seconds of breathtaking beauty as I was suspended in air, but I forgot to flap my wings and tumbled pathetically back to the soft ground.

I landed with an 'umph', struggling to get back up on my paws. I sighed, peering over at Jenny, "I'm never going to fly." I puffed, flopping to the side and laying helplessly on the floor, my wings sprawled out awkwardly. I wasn't much of a persevering person, I was actually quite pessimistic - still am.

Jenny was at my side in moments, stroking my fur. "Don't give up, Shadow." She smiled, "You'll get it right one day." I just whined softly through my nose, nudging her hand gently. She hugged my furry body, and stepped back from me, pulling out her wand.

I frowned, "What are you doing...?" I mumbled anxiously, noticing the majority of people in the area were staring at us, with anticipation in their eyes.

Jenny swallowed hard, "We've discussed that it would be better if you could shift into a human. And yes, we know you will be able to, as that's a 'perk of being Shadow Claw'-" I rolled my eyes, "-so what I'm going to do is speed up that process. You'll be able to shift in no time." She smiled faintly.

I puffed, "Whatever. Just get it over with." I lay my head back down, closing my eyes and imagining a perfect life. I sighed, 'It's never going to happen,' I thought, exhausted at my own efforts of trying to be optimistic about my existence. What was there to live for- what was I thinking? I have James and Jenny. I don't need anything, or anyone else to make me smile. Not even a mate.

Jenny mumbled some incoherent words - I was too far deep in thought to listen - and then I felt a warm flash of blue light. It was a strange feeling, but it wasn't painful, so I was happy about that.

My eyes snapped open, and I was clouded in black smoke. I felt my body changing, convulsing and re-forming into a new shape. I swear I even felt my eyes change colour - from their shady hue of purple to another colour - I only hoped it looked okay. I didn't want to be a bad human, considering my Claw form was beautiful - well, for my standards anyway.

"Bloody 'ell!" I heard Ron shout. The smoke dissipated, and I was left standing on two shaky legs. Everybody rushed out The Burrow, making a little circle around me. I heard things like, 'beautiful', 'spectacular', 'magical' and other words of the same kind.

"Shoo! Shoo! Jeez, get out the way. I need a mirror." I growled lowly. My voice was still the same - gentle yet strong and firm, making me seem older than I actually was - though my growls were not as aggressive. My human form was judged on the human years, though my Claw form was judged upon the Claw years. In Claw years, I was sixty - human years times five.

"Here you are, dear." Mrs Weasley presented me with an ancient looking mirror. I gasped when I saw my reflection.

My skin was pale and soft, giving me a beautiful childish appearance. My eyes were a deep green, with flecks of hazel in them, my lips were formed in a small 'o' shape as I peered up and down myself. Black as coal was my hair, as it hung low down my back, a side fringe hiding part of my right eye from view. My legs were long and my torso was the perfect size, the black V-Neck I was wearing hugging all my curves that rested on my hips. My stomach was flat, leading down to my black-jean clad legs and dark hiking boots. I was also wearing a raven coloured jacket, with a silver zip and a hood. The inside was soft and kept me warm.

I was... a human!

"Damn girl." Jenny smirked, "We're going to have alot of boy troubles with you." She clapped her hands together, rubbing them with an evil look on her face.

My new eyes widened, looking at James for help but he was just gawking at me. It was kind of irritating.

I sighed, "So, I guess I leave tomorrow morning." I muttered, breaking the silence. Everybody nodded, snapping out of some sort of trance and going back to their business. I shook my head, walking forwards. Only two legs, and two arms...? How on Earth do humans cope?!

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