Ch. 13 - Stone Love

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I breathed the new scent through my mouth and opened my eyes slowly. I narrowed them onto a male elk grazing in a meadow, its body bulky and muscular. I had never taken down something so big before, but I was inclined to try because my instincts were taking over.

I moved one silent paw forwards and readied myself to leap forward. I froze in place as the elk raised its head, and peered at my position. To my delight, it moved even closer and began chewing on a patch of flowers.

I relaxed my body and took the leap.

There was a sharp stabbing pain in my side as I collided with the animal, biting down on its neck. It tried to shake me off, but I held on for dear life. I managed to get my jaws around its throat and then yank it down. SPLAT! It's windpipe fell to the blood stained grass in a heaped mess.

The animal gurgled; a disgusting, vile sound then collapsed to the floor, blood flooding from its mouth. I wasn't fazed by this - it was the circle of life.

I glanced at my side quickly to assess my wound. It was a small puncture, and didn't break the skin - the elk had thrust its antlers in my side when it reared up, but I seemed to be okay. No severe damage done. When I was satisfied with my assessment, I bit into my fresh kill, not bothering about the drying blood in my fur.


Half way through eating, my ears twitched backwards as I heard the sound of paws thudding against the ground. I growled darkly, my eyes flashing as I stood protectively over my dead elk. This was my kill and no Claw could take it from me. Ever. My heart beat increased and I dropped into a crouch, my belly skimming the bloody meat below me.

"Show yourself!" I yelled after the thuds turned into gentle paw steps.

Shade appeared from the bushes, covered in small scratches as if he'd been running through thorns. I sighed, irritated with being disturbed so rudely. "What do you want?" I snapped, cleaning the blood from my sides. He frowned, "Don't be so grouchy. I just heard some noise and wanted to see if you were okay." He said, concern written all over his face.

"I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." I muttered, turning back to my lunch and getting stuck in once more. I could feel Shade's eyes watching me curiously, and it was ticking me off.

"What?!" I cried, whipping round to see him, looking a little taken aback. Anger flashed in his eyes, "Need I remind you that you are a guest here for not much longer - you will respect your future Alpha and keep your tone in check." He growled, authority rolling off his muscular shoulders.

I raised an 'eyebrow', "Whatever, Alpha." I drawled out, then continued eating. He circled round so that he could see my face. He leaned down, his mouth open - oh no you don't!

I snarled, "Mine!" I hissed, seething at the concept of him eating my food. I lashed my tail, raising my scarred wings and rearing up onto the back of the elk. He snarled right back at me, "You will share this with me. Now eat." He ordered. I snorted, "I don't follow orders from you." I began to pad away, deciding I was full and was going to nap - wow, I swear I was bipolar.

"Where are you going?" He growled loudly. I narrowed my eyes, but didn't turn to face him, "Is it any of your concern?" I replied with a question, then padded on, settling under a shady tree. I sighed, content to be out of the sun and in the cool confines of the darkness. I started the long and tedious process of cleaning all the blood from my paws.


I watched at Shade buried the last of the elk bones. I had stolen one when he had turned his back, and he still hadn't noticed.

"Did you steal one of my bones?" He mumbled, seemingly hot and bothered. I rolled my eyes, chewing the bone between my paws. "Maybe." I said through chews. He narrowed his eyes at me, "Give it here, I need to bury it." He muttered, padding forward and sitting just in the shade. He had been running around doing orders and patrols all day, so I decided to go easy on him - slightly.

"If memory serves, then it's actually my bone and you ate my elk, so... no." I rolled on my side, feeling lazy like a sloth. I chewed a little more on the bone, then yawning. As I opened my jaws, Shade snatched away my bone. I whined, yet being me, I was too lazy to go get it. "You're going to pay for stealing my bone!" I yelled at him weakly, flopping my head back to the grass.

Ah, what the heck was I doing? I didn't know.

Shade was breaking through my barriers that allowed me to be numb. Every time I built up a wall, he'd smash down three. I sighed, flicking my ears as Shade came padding over to me. "What's wrong with you today?" He asked, licking the dried spots of blood on my fur. I huffed, "None of your beeswax."

"Come on, you can tell me." He nudged my side, and I growled, my aggressive side kicking in once more. "I said it's none of your business - leave it be." I snapped.

"Shadow." He said sternly, and I snapped my gaze up to meet his pleading one. I muttered curses under my breath, and gave in - much to my disappointment.

"I'm the last Shadow Claw. I have no life ahead of me. I'm sad and alone. There, you happy?" I growled lowly, my ears folding back and my head lolling to the side limply.

Shade licked my head, purring softly. "Uh.. well..." He seemed nervous about something, "Maybe... maybe I could... I could be your... future." He swallowed hard. I zeroed my eyes on him, "What are you trying to say?" I wasn't ignorant. I knew what was coming next.

"Be my mate?" He asked, hope tinting his handsome eyes.

There was an abrupt silence as I stared at him, unfazed by his request.


Shadow Claw: The Life Story - The First ChapterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon