Chapter 17: Last Stand: Raiden

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The rooftop Stryker and Kabal were at earlier in the day can now be seen. The area is now devastated from Outworld's assault and a giant portal has been opened on the rooftop. It can seen that Shao Kahn's throne has already been placed on the rooftop. Suddenly, blue lightning strikes down onto the rooftop and as it dissipates, it is shown to be the forces of light.

"The portal to Outworld. Shao Kahn is nearly ready to begin the merge." Skarlet warns.

Suddenly, a group of tarkatans, along with the specter Scorpion and the sorcerer Quan Chi appear from the portal and charge towards the forces of light.

"He must've sent them to worn us down for his arrival." Kitana points out.

"Then we don't have much time. Let us finish this." Raiden says before the forces of light charge towards the approaching Outworld force.

As the forces battle, Scorpion appears before Raiden in a flash of hellfire and assumes a fighting stance.

"It disappoints me to see you here." Raiden says.

"Save your pity." Scorpion says.

"Is this why you chose not to save your family and clan? To maintain your place at Outworld's feet?" Raiden asks.

"Do not talk of my family, Raiden!" Scorpion warns.

They then fight. While Scorpion be a force to be reckoned with, but Raiden is at full strength in Earthrealm which gives him the advantage as he demonstrates that he didn't become the protector of Earthrealm by being a pushover in kombat. He takes the fight to the ninja specter and manages to knock him to the floor.

"You are beyond saving, specter." Raiden says.

Raiden then turns and blocks a overhead strike from Quan Chi before responding with a fist strike to his sternum, knocking the sorcerer back but doesn't manage to knock him off his feet.

"You will fall like your minion, sorcerer. Shao Kahn will not succeed." Raiden says.

"How noble, Raiden. Yet utterly pointless, especially when you couldn't even save your champion." Quan Chi says.

They then fight. Quan Chi's magic, although very powerful in its own right, is not a match for Raiden's power of thunder and lightning. After a very on sided battle, Quan Chi is knocked down.

"Curse you, Quan Chi." Raiden says.

As the forces of light finish off the remaining forces, a sound from the portal catches their attention. Shao Kahn is beginning to walk through it. The forces of light then face him down, assuming their fighting stances with Raiden and Liu Kang close behind. A moment passes before he finally passes through the portal, laughing as he sees the forces of light.

"You've all come here to die as I destroy your world. How fitting." Shao Kahn says.

"Remember. We don't need to kill him. We just need to slow him down long enough for the elder gods to arrive." Raiden says.

The forces of light nod their heads in response before charging towards the war lord. Johnny strikes first but finds his face coming into contact with Shao Kahn's hammer, shattering his sunglasses and sends him flying backwards. Kabal then charges him with his super speed as he strikes him in the chest with his hookswords and zooms away before charging again and hitting him in the back before zooming away again. He then charges once again but Shao Kahn manages to grab his arm and slam him down onto the ground, destroying his mask and respirator.

"Pathetic." Shao Kahn says.

As Kabal dies from suffocation, Stryker then charges his his baton and bashes him straight in the face. Shao Kahn then looks back to him in anger as he then forces his hands into his chest before ripping him apart with his bare hands. Skarlet then teleports in the air in front of him and sends her daggers striking for his eyes but Shao Kahn sees it coming and sends a punch straight to her head, causing her to drop the daggers and fall to the ground with a loud crack as the ground underneath her broke.

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