Chapter 14: End of an Era: Fire God Liu Kang

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As the bubble of electricity dissipates, the one person remaining is Liu Kang, but he has drastically changed in appearance. He appears fully human, but his hair is now grey, his eyes glowing electric blue, his tattoos generating electricity and his body generating flames. Raiden's hat is on his back, and his trousers now have a blue shade on them as opposed to red. His bandanna is now metallic and he wears a necklace of beads.

Liu Kang stands to his feet, looking at his outstretched hands, in awe at his new powers. He closes them into fists and puts them back down at his side.

Scorpion, Sub Zero, Manado, Zaveer and Jax all begin to walk forward. Kung Lao teleports onto the deck from his ship and Kitana and Mileena jump over from theirs, landing next to Kharon. All of them take in the sight of the radically changed Liu Kang.

"Liu Kang?" Sub Zero asks.

"I am..." Fire God Liu Kang says.

He then stops pulsating with electricity and fire, but his eyes are now bright blue, as are his tattoos.

"...and I am not." Fire God Liu Kang finishes.

"What happened to Raiden?" Jax asks.

"He is part of me. Bound to my soul. He... made me a god. For now, at least." Fire God Liu Kang explains.

"A god? Incredible." Kitana says.

"My revenant counterpart. Raiden's dark self. I have absorbed their knowledge of the Keep, of Kronika's plan. I know where to find the hourglass. We can beat Kronika." Fire God Liu Kang explains.

"Then let's not waste anymore time. The fate of the realms is in our hands." Manado says.

Back in Kronika's Keep, both she and Cetrion look upon the chair that once bound Liu Kang. Kronika is wide eyed and more perplexed than she has ever been before.

"Out of desperation comes invention. I had not thought it possible for Raiden to surprise me." Kronika says.

She then addresses Cetrion without even looking at her.

"Our success is no longer certain. We must make haste." Kronika suggests.

They then walk back to the hourglass and begin manipulating the sands once again. As this happens, Cetrion closes her eyes.

Elsewhere, the figure from before can be seen in deep meditation. Cetrion's voice is then heard in his head.

"It is time. Come to the hourglass." Cetrion's voice says.

The figure then opens his eyes, both glowing bright red before standing. He then turns and walks away from the area before disappearing into thin air.

Back on the shoreline in the Netherrealm, Kharon's flagships have almost reached land. Waiting for them is the Netherrealm army, and the oni demons roar in anticipation and charge the shoreline. The ships continue forward, not decelerating in the slightest.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Kharon yells.

The flagship touches down on the shore without issue. A boarding plank is lowered as the Netherrealm army reach the ships. Before the demons can climb up it, Sub Zero slides down, using his ice powers to freeze the ground beneath him and the demons below him. He lands on the shoreline and uses an ice axe to chop a frozen demon into shattered remains, then immediately decapitates another one.

Scorpion teleports from the ship deck in a burst of flame, coming out in the midst of the army, sending several oni into the air in flames. He punches down one oni, then rips the heart out of another.

The Cyber Lin Kuei then rush off the ship and charge towards the demon army, lead by Frost. They armies collide in kombat, Frost knocking one away with a swift kick. She then freezes another Demon's head before shattering it with her fist.

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