Chapter 18: Final Redemption: Nightmare

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The Cyber Lin Kuei factory can be seen, dozens of Cyber Lin Kuei standing in front of the entrances, guarding the building. Inside, Frost is standing in the main assembly room, observing the construction of more Cyber Lin Kuei, but it's clear that Frost is not in a good mood.

"Stupid Black Dragon. Blowing up Sektor and leaving us with no choice but to reactivate this place." Frost says.

She then turns to one particular Cyber Lin Kuei soldier.

"LK 4D4, when do we expect for completion of the Cyber Lin Kuei army?" Frost asks.

It is then revealed that she is speaking to Cyrax, who is monitoring various Cyber Lin Kuei being assembled.

"We should reach full army capacity within the hour." Cyrax informs.

"Excellent. At this rate, the Cyber Lin Kuei's place in the new era is assured." Frost says.

The factory's generator room is then shown as a bright light, red in color, flashes within the room. A set of footsteps is then heard walking through the room. Although the person responsible for them can't be seen, it's shadow indicates a person of tall stature. Black mist can also be seen flowing through the room. The person then approaches a set of wires, it's black misty hands growing claws as they rise into the air. The hands then strike in a downward fashion and shreds the wires, causing a reaction and the power begins to fail, the lights flickering on and off.

The same happens in the assembly and Frost takes notice.

"Something's wrong with the power grid, one of you investigate what is causing the problem." Frost says.

A small group of Cyber Lin Kuei then leave the room to check on the grid. As Frost looks around the room, a blur of red rushes through the room. Frost notices the blur, but it was too fast to see what exactly it was.

"Something's here. Lin Kuei! Fighting Formation!" Frost orders.

Cyrax and four other Cyber Lin Kuei soldiers stand around Frost, all of them in fighting stances, ready to strike if anything gets close. All of them quickly look around the assembly room, hoping to find the red blur again. One Cyber Lin Kuei turns and as the light flickers on, a black misty figure floats behind the soldier. The light quickly flashes off and on, and the figure, along with the soldier, disappear. Frost turns to find the soldier missing, only for the figure to appear behind her, holding another soldier by the head, the light flashes again, and the two disappear. Frost now has become even more weary.

"Coward! Face me!" Frost yells.

No response is made. At this point, the two remaining soldiers, Frost, and Cyrax are standing back to back. A wire suddenly emerges from the ceiling and wraps around one of the soldier's neck. The soldier is quickly pulled up away from the remaining three, who quickly notice. They then notice the lifeless body of the soldier that was pulled up to the ceiling swinging towards them, tied to the wire and is now missing its head. Frost and Cyrax manage to avoid being hit, but the last soldier isn't so lucky and is struck, being sent flying backwards and hitting the wall behind it, short circuiting as a result. At this point, Frost is starting to be irritated.

"Show Yourself! Where are you?" Frost asks.

"Here." A deep voice says from behind her.

Frost quickly turns around but finds herself being grabbed by the neck and hoisted into the air. She looks to see that the culprit is a being made of black mist with a pair of glowing red eyes giving her a stare that would make any man shiver in terror. Frost however isn't so shaken up and send a blast of ice magic from the power core on her chest and freezes the being in place. She then rips herself from the being's grasp just as the power is restored. Cyrax aids her in getting her back to her feet as she looks on at the frozen figure, it's eyes still seen, and almost like they were glaring at her in anger. Even as a cyborg, the glare still sent shivers down Frost's mechanical spine. She then notices blast mist emerging from the figure's feet. At this point, Frost realizes what the figure was doing as she noticed the red eyes dissipating as the mist continued to grow. Eventually, the mist took a humanoid shape and the red eyes emerged again, and the figure stood before Frost, as if he had never been frozen to begin with.

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