Chapter 9: Coming of Age: Kitana

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Inside of the Shokan palace in Outworld, Kitana stands before Queen Sheeva, who is seated on a giant throne that seems a bit small for her.

"You are passionate, Princess Kitana. But... I am not persuaded." Sheeva says.

"Queen Sheeva, haven't your people fared better under Mileena Kahn than Shao Kahn?" Kitana asks.

"In some ways. But we can only guess which Kahn will prevail in this struggle. We gain no advantage, choosing sides now." Sheeva explains.

As she talks, two Shokan guards escort Liu Kang and Kung Lao into the throne room.

"Princess!" Younger Liu Kang calls out.

Kitana turns to face him.

"Liu Kang? Why are you here?" Kitana asks.

"Kotal and Mileena have been captured by the Tarkatans. We must act quickly, before they are executed." Younger Liu Kang explains.

Upon hearing this news, Sheeva rises from her seat.

"My people will not rally to a Kahn held in chains." Sheeva says.

Kitana then motions to the Shaolin Monks.

"We have Earthrealm's support, your Highness. With yours, we can guarantee victory." Kitana says.

"There is no path to victory without the Tarkatans. If they can be swayed to Mileena, it would be to our advantage to join him." Sheeva explains.

"I will return, Queen Sheeva, with the Tarkatans at my side. Together we will march on Shao Kahn." Kitana promises.

Later at the Tarkatan campsite, Kollector, flanked by two Tarkatans, walks past a prisoner cart. The Tarkatans are dragging the unconscious bodies of Kotal and Mileena behind them by their feet. The cart is opened up and the Tarkatans unceremoniously dump Kotal and Mileena in the back. The door slams shut as they wakes up and pulls themselves up to their feet.

Next to another cart full of prisoners, Shao Kahn stands with Skarlet. They both watch two more Tarkatans dragging a struggling Jade into a nearby tent and start walking to the tent themselves.

"What is it about Jade's blood that intrigues you, Skarlet?" Shao Kahn asks.

"Edenian blood is most sweet, your Excellency. It is also a rare commodity." Scarlet explains.

Behind them, the carts of prisoners begin to ride off. Shao Kahn stops and turns back to the carts as Skarlet walks into the tent.

On a cliff overseeing the Tarkatan camp. Kitana, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao step to the edge, alongside some Outworld horses and a couple of Kotal's scouts. They look out across the camp, easily spotting the large procession of Shao Kahn's forces and the prisoner carts they escort.

"Where are they taking them?" Liu Kang asks.

"To the Koliseum, no doubt." Kitana replies.

"Then we attack now." Kung Lao says.

"We'll never sway Baraka to Mileena's side by taking the offensive. We must turn Baraka first, then attack Shao Kahn together." Kitana says.

Below them, the cart with Kotal loaded in it leaves the campsite.

"The Tarkatans won't grant an audience. Their instinct will be to attack." Kung Lao points out.

"Not to mention Jade. At the first sign of trouble, they could kill her." Liu kang reminds.

Behind Kitana and the monks, the Outworld scouts saddle up on their mounts.

"I have an idea." Kitana says.

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