MK11 Manado Chujin Reveal Trailer

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Manado can be seen in his nightmare form before being enveloped in black smoke before turning normal.

Shao Kahn can then be seen exiting a green portal.

Manado: I've killed you once, I'll kill you again.
Shao Kahn: Empty threats, witless boy.
Manado: Won't be so empty once I rip out your heart.

(Gameplay section 1 is seen with Manado fighting Shao Kahn followed by D'Vorah)

Story section 1:

Manado: I still don't understand. Why is everyone so protective of me?

Manado can be seen attacking Kollector in the Coliseum.

General Kotal: It's in regards to your future self.

Manado is then seen standing before a large Temple alongside Ashrah and Sareena.

Mileena: I've lost you once. I won't lose you again.

Manado: Then I'll do what my future self could not.

(Gameplay Section 2 is seen with Manado fighting Kollector)

Story Section 2:

Revenant Manado can be seen standing before the elder gods with Kronika floating in the air behind him.

Elder Gods: So it has come to this.

Revenant Manado: Time to pay for your sins.

(Gameplay section 3 is seen with Manado defeating Shao Kahn)


Manado walks over to Shao Kahn and stabs him in the eyes with his thumbs. As Shao Kahn screams in pain, Manado summons his red magic and explodes his head. As the body falls, a pair of Camazotz fly over Manado and begin to devour the body. Manado has his back facing the carnage with him merely looking over his shoulder in satisfaction.


Manado can be seen transforming into his nightmare form as he then flys into a red colored sky with his Shadow Demons surrounding him, screeching at the screen.

Mortal Kombat Harem x Male OC Reboot (MK9-MK1)Where stories live. Discover now