Chapter 5: The Fall of Gods: Revenant Manado

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In the chamber of the Elder Gods, the Elder Gods themselves, Cetrion, Sun Wukong, Zeus, and Ra can be seen on their thrones discussing about the current events.

"Our powers continue to weaken. If nothing is done, we will soon perish." Zeus says.

"Then it's time that we act upon the situation at hand." Sub Wukong suggests.

"We can't act upon the assistance of mortals. We can only advise." Ra points out.

"This crisis has left us with no choice." Cetrion says.

"Cetrion is right. There is no alternative. We must act now." Zeus says.

Suddenly, a large sandstorm engulfs the entire chamber, gaining the Elder God's attention. The Elder gods then look towards one section of the storm as figures begin to emerge from the storm.

"Kronika." Zeus realizes.

The figures emerges to reveal that is indeed Kronika but is accompanied by Revenant Manado. As the walk towards the Elder Gods, or float midair in Kronika's case, the sandstorm dies down and dissipates.

"Elder Gods. We meet again." Kronika greets.

"You befoul these hallowed grounds Kronika. Begone!" Ra demands.

"I'm afraid I will have to disagree." Kronika says.

"Are you here to finish us, Titan?" Sun Wukong asks.

"Precisely, Wukong. But that task will be bestowed upon my enforcer." Kronika says, looking towards Revenant Manado.

Revenant Manado nods his head and walks forward before stopping at the center of the chamber, looking up towards the towering Elder Gods.

"So Kronika recruited the forces of the Netherrealm. I must say, this deeply disturbs me, especially considering that you were one of our greatest champions." Zeus says.

"At least I acted when a threat emerged instead of sitting on a throne merely looking upon the battles and doing nothing to help." Revenant Manado says.

"You are misinformed Manado. As Elder Gods, we are not permitted to aid mortals with their battles." Ra points out.

"That is no excuse! All you do is sit on your lazy asses while everyone in the realms have to suffer! My friends! My Family! Everyone and everything I knew has been destroyed because of my service to you! All I've done is suffer for you! WHEN IS IT YOUR TURN TO SUFFER!?" Revenant Manado yells.

Cetrion looks down in sadness and regret upon hearing these words. The other Elder Gods however, become angered.

"The life that bestowed upon you was your choice." Zeus says.

"Don't you dare try to pin this on me! Because of you, I've lost everything! And now... My revenge will be complete." Revenant Manado says as he summons his magic.

"Despite your vast power, you alone can't defeat all four of us." Sun Wukong says.

"Who said I was alone?" Revenant Manado asks.

Suddenly red lightning forms in the sky and strike the ground beside Revenant Manado, but he is unharmed. The lightning then dissipates a moment later to reveal...

"Perfect timing... Raiden." Revenant Manado says.

The one who summoned the lightning is indeed Raiden, or rather in this case, Dark Raiden. The Elder Gods look on in surprise.

"This is a most disturbing betrayal, Raiden." Zeus says.

"You've brought this upon yourself Elder Gods. I have been shown the truth behind your lies. And now I'm here to finish you." Dark Raiden says.

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