Chapter 16: An Act of Treason: Sareena

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Manado, Zaveer, Ashrah, Sareena, Li Mei, Tanya and the Tarkatan group exit the portal and find themselves in Vaeternus, or more specifically, a place called the drum canyons. The environment is very hot and dry and the terrain is colored in blacks and reds, but the canyon walls are shaped like drums, hence the name. The most telltailing detail however is that the sky is glowing in a bright red color.

"So Tanya, do you have any idea where Rain would have had Mileena locked up?" Manado asks.

"Knowing him, he would most likely have her trapped inside a cave somewhere." Tanya explains.

Manado then notices a large group of Vaeternians and Tarkatans walking through a large opening within the canyon walls.

"That must be where Mileena is being kept." Manado points out.

"Then we don't have much time. We must move immediately." Zaveer suggests.

"Even with our combined power, we can't face the army head on. We need to drive them away from the cave." Ashrah says.

"I have an idea." Manado says.

In the cave, a couple Vaeternians guard the entrance of the cave as Nitara approach them.

"Any disturbances?" Nitara asks.

"Negative, your highness." Unnamed Vaeternian says.

A loud roar then gains their attention as they then see an army of Camazotz flying high in the sky, seemingly flying towards the cave.

"Send out the army." Nitara orders.

Moments pass before Nitara and a large group of Vaeternians engage in kombat with the Camazotz. A few of the Camazotz send out fireballs, knocking down a couple Vaeternians before they forces engage in physical kombat.

Back at the cave, Manado and the group have reached the cave entrance, their backs against the cave wall to stay hidden. manado then looks inside the cave and finds no one guarding the entrance. Signaling that it's clear, Manado and the group rush to enter the cave when they are suddenly confronted by Khameleon, followed by a group of Tarkatans.

"Manado, so glad you could join us. Come, we must be ready for the ceremony." Khameleon says.

"Sorry Khameleon. But no one will become vampires today." Manado informs.

"Then you are horribly misinformed Restrain them!" Kameleon orders before the Tarkatan group charges into battle.

Manado's group along with their own group of rebellious Tarkatans then charge in to defend themselves.

While the group fights the tarkatans, Sareena has managed to slip through the battleground to face Khameleon herself.

"The Vaeterians will not prevail." Sareena assures.

"My dear, It's already too late for that. Mileena is already on the process of being turned. And soon... all of you will join her." Khameleon says before she assumes her fighting stance.

They then fight. Despite Khameleon's ferocity and agility as a member of the Zaterran race, Sareena's Netherrealm magic and fighting skill is more than enough to counter her attacks. After a fierce battle, Khameleon is left on the floor, defeated.

"Khameleon, hear us out." Sareena asks.

Khameleon then charges again but Sareena manages to hold the Zaterren into a headlock. Sareena then notices some kind of device on the back of Khameleon's neck. Sareena then grabs hold of device, despite Khameleon's resistance and manages to remove it from her neck. Once it's removed, Khameleon falls limp in Sareena's hold. Sareena then puts her down onto the floor as she looks at the device in confusion.

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