Epilogue (Mk11)

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With the new timeline in motion, the scenic beauty of the Wu Shi Academy in Earthrealm can be seen. A group of monks practice a kata in the courtyard. In an enclosed workshop, a lone monk stands before a table, working on something. It can be seen that he is gently dusting off a jade statue of a humanoid dragon. Behind him, a portal opens. The monk turns around to see the Fire God Liu Kang before him - notably not wearing Kronika's crown.

"Kung Lao." Fire God Liu Kang greets.

The monk staggers back into the table in shock. It becomes clear that he is not the Kung Lao that we are familiar with.

"Where did you-- who-- who are you?" Kung Lao asks.

"I am Lord Liu Kang, God of Thunder and Fire." Fire God Liu Kang says.

"God of–" Kung Lao says before immediately realizing who is in front of him.

He immediately bows and clasps his hands together in the Shaolin salute. Liu Kang returns the gesture.

"Forgive my disrespect, my Lord!" Kung Lao pleads.

Liu Kang holds up a hand and floats down to the ground.

"Enough, Kung Lao. You are humble. Not like the Kung Lao I knew." Fire God Liu Kang says.

"The Kung Lao you knew?" Kung Lao asks.

"A story for another time. I have chosen you as my champion, Kung Lao." Fire God Liu Kang says

He then places his hand on Kung Lao's shoulder.

"We have work to do. You must be prepared. Trained." Fire God Liu Kand explains.

Kung Lao - or rather, the Great Kung Lao - looks confused at his words.

"Trained? For what?" Kung Lao asks.

Liu Kang says nothing... but gives a knowing smile.

In Outworld, Manado can be seen rushing through the streets of Sun Do, seemingly in a hurry. He then finds himself in front of Outworld's royal palace. As he tries to enter, two guards cease his movement.

"State your business." Guard 1 orders.

"I have to speak with the royal family." Manado says.

Before the guards could replay, a voice catches their attention.

"Let him in." The voice says.

Manado and the guards turn to see Sindel standing before them.

"He's been invited." Sindel says.

The guards bow their head before Sindel and allow Manado to pass. Manado walks past them and he and Sindel walk into the palace.

"Thanks for coming on short notice, Manado." Sindel says.

"Likewise, your majesty. What's her condition at the moment?" Manado asks.

"She's fine. But we worry that it could happen at any given moment." Sindel says.

"Your majesty!" A voice calls out.

Sindel and Manado turn to see a guard approaching them.

"It's happening." The guard says.

Manado then looks towards Sindel.

"It looks like that time is now." Manado says.

Manado and Sindel follow the guard to the sleeping quarters of the palace and enter one of the rooms to find Kitana sitting beside the bed with Mileena laying on top of it, seemingly in pain.

"Mother! Manado! She can't hold it any longer." Kitana points out.

"Then the time for waiting is over. We must prepare her immediately." Manado says.

Later, Mileena can still be seen groaning in pain but this time with Manado sitting beside her holding her hand as one of the royal family guards prepare.

"We're ready to begin." The royal guard states.

"Then let's get started." Manado says.

Manado then looks towards Mileena.

"Ok Mileena. Just take a deep breath and push with all the strength you can muster." Manado advises.

Mileena then does what has been told of her. Takes a deep breath, and pushes as hard as she can with every fiber of her being, despite the extreme amount of pain she is experiencing. After a few attempts, the sound of crying can be heard and the royal guard reaches for the source.

"Congratulations, your highness." The royal guard says.

The royal guards then reveals a newborn baby crying and laying in his arms.

"May we see?" Manado asks.

"Of course." The royal guard says.

The guard then hands the baby over to Manado who can't help but smile at the sight of his new child.

"He's beautiful." Manado says.

"What... should we call him?" Mileena asks.

"I have a good idea on what we can call him. From this day forward, he will be known as... Zaveer." Manado says.

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