Chapter 10: Escaping Hell: Ashrah

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Ashrah can be seen on the krossroads with Manado and Sareena behind her.

"With haste, we should be there without notice." Ashrah informs.

Before they could reach the end of the krossroads, they are confronted by the Revenants of Stryker, Kabal, Kitana, Jade, Skarlet, and Sindel with an army of oni.

"So much for getting there quietly." Manado says.

"Ashrah, Sareena. You will return to Quan Chi's service." Revenants Jade says.

"We will never serve that snake again, Jade." Ashrah replies.

"You don't really have a choice in the matter. Attack!" Sindel orders.

The oni, Stryker, Kabal, and Jade then begin to attack Manado and Sareena. Stryker and Kabal attack Sareena while Jade, Kitana, and Skarlet and the oni attack Manado. Sindel meanwhile confronts Ashrah.

"You were a favorable Netherrealm demon, but defecting from Quan Chi has made you weak." Sindel says.

"I have never been stronger, Sindel." Ashrah says.

"Yet you remain unable to escape the Netherrealm." Sindel points out.

"That will change today." Ashrah says.

They then fight. Sindel proved to be a tough match, considering she defeated most of the order of light in a single battle, but Ashrah's magic and skills in kombat prove to be more than enough to handle Sindel's power. After a vicious battle, Ashrah leaves Sindel unconscious.

"Maybe even you can be freed." Ashrah says.

Meanwhile, Sareena manages to defeat Kabal and Stryker as Manado knocks Kitana, Jade, and Skarlet back with a wave of red energy. The revenant rise again, ready to confront the trio again.

"There is no point in continuing this fight. This is over." Manado says.

"I wouldn't be too certain if that, Manado." Kitana says.

Suddenly, a newcomer emerges from behind the revenants. The revenants move to the side as nthe newcomer walks past them, giving the trio a shock as they now realize who it is.

"You're ... You're Me." Manado realizes.

"Indeed, my other self. I am you, perfected." Revenant Manado says.

"But... how in all the realms is this possible?" Manado says.

"It's actually quite simple. During the fight with Shao Kahn, you wound up dead. During that time, Quan Chi was able to take a small fraction of your soul just before the Elder Gods resurrected you. And turns out, it was just enough for me to be created. Now I serve the Netherrealm under Quan Chi's command." Revenant Manado explains.

"How dare he do this? When I find him, I'll..." Manado says before he gets cut off.

"You'll what? Kill him? You do that, restoration for us revenants would be... impossible. And besides, I now have a better life than I ever had." Revenant Manado says as he holds Kitana's hand while Jade and Skarlet lean onto his shoulders.

"No." Manado says, realizing the situation.

"Yes. I have achieved what you failed to do. And I must say, betraying them for the horrendous construct and that unholy son of yours, it is... revolting." Revenant Manado says.

Manado starts to get agitated.

"You do not dare put shame on Zaveer's name." Manado warns.

"It matters not. After I kill you and take your soul, I will locate that disgusting creation and kill him as well. I can already see the poor look on that child's face when he sees own father taking his life." Revenant Manado says, chuckling afterwards.

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