
1.9K 17 0

Trigger warnings for this book: mentions of death, mentions of Assault, absent parent, suicide/ depression (this list will be updated as needed)

The hot sticky seats of the bus clung to Jo's back, she was starting to regret wearing a tank top. But what else was she supposed to wear in this weather? The Texas heat seemed never take a break. All Jo wanted was maybe a breeze to come in now and again. But to be honest, the heat should be the last of Jo's problems.

The idea to go to a camp for juveniles wasn't Jo's idea at all. In fact she's starting to wish she chose juvie, at least the ride would be shorter. She had gotten sentenced to 20 months at camp green lake for her little "altercation" with a police officer after they busted up a party she happened to be at. In her defense, she was a bit drunk. but that excuse didn't exactly help her.

Now all Jo could do was just hope that she could survive the time at camp green lake and get the hell out of there as fast as she could.
As the bus driver drove down the dirt road, she now truly noticed that they were in the middle of no where. There was absolutely nothing. But once she saw some buildings and tents, she was now slightly excited that those tight hand cuffs would be coming off her sweaty wrists soon.

Once her hands were free and she was off the bus, the officer that had been in the bus with her lead her off the bus. He had been giving her glances and dirty looks the whole ride up to camp green lake. Guess he found out what she did to the last cop she had an encounter with. As she was lead to a building on the camp sight, she noticed two things. The first thing was that everyone was carrying shovels, the second thing was that all of them were boys.

She didn't have to much time to put two and two together before she was being lead into a building, and being met with the face of a man who didn't look one bit friendly. He was also giving the young girl a confused look, then raising his eyebrow at the officer. "Officer I think you've made a mistake. We don't accept young ladies here at camp green lake." He told the officer.

That explains all the boys.

"Wait so this is a boys camp?" She said to the man. No one ever mentioned this to her. If it had been an all boys camp, she would have picked juvie.
"Wait a second." The man looked down at a paper on his desk, scanning it quickly, then looking back at the girl. "Your Jo dalton?" He said. The girl nodded. "Those idiots at the court house must have made a mistake." He snapped, slamming Jo's file on his desk, making her flitch a bit.

The man stepped away to speak to the warden, see what could be done. Jo was left to sit his office. She felt like the officer staring daggers into her back, making sure she didn't pull any funny tricks. All she could do for now was just stare at a abnormally large bag of sunflower seeds.

The man, who she'd later refer to as mr sir, came back about 30 minutes later. He took a deep sigh. "I spoke to the warden, and though this isn't something we allow here at camp green lake, we've decided to make an exception." He told her. Jo let out a slight sigh of relief that she could stay and not be sent to juvie. "But just because we're making this one exception, don't expect to get any special treatment. You'll dig your hole like everyone else here." He told her. She gave him another nod. "Yes mr sir." She said. At first she thought 'dig your hole' was some sort of metaphor. But she would be proven very wrong.


The jumpsuit felt way to big for jo. She even had to roll up the pant legs so that they wouldn't drag against the floor. She was also met with a man who was seemed nice, a bit too nice for Jo'a liking. He took her to what would be her home for the next 20 months. D tent. She couldn't believe she had to share a tent with a bunch of boys. She was almost positive non of them would clean up after themselves and it would suck.

As she was being shown her new bed by the counselor, a group of boys walked in. They were all covered in dirt and sweating. They all stopped talking when they saw her standing there. "Hey mom who's the chick?" A boy in glasses asked him. She did find it slightly amusing that they were calling this grown man 'mom', but she suppressed her laugh.

"Boys, this is Jo, your new tent mate. Jo this is Theodore, Lewis, Rex, Allen, Ricky, and Jose." He told her. She didn't wave to the boys or anything. She just looked at them, trying to remember who's who. "Allen here will be your mentor." She was told by Mr Pendanski.

"His names squid, not Allen." Rex corrected.

"They all have there little nicknames, but I prefer the ones there parents gave them." Mr Pendanski said. The boys just scoffed and went to there respective beds. After Mr Pendanski left, Allen, or squid, came up to her.

"First thing I'm gonna tell you as your 'mentor'" he said going quotation marks. "I hope you got tough hands, because your gonna need em." He told her, then walked back to his bunk. No let out a small gulp. She was really starting to wish they had just let her rot in a cell.

(Hey y'all, hope you like this fic so far!)

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