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A week had passed since Jo had been at camp green lake. Her hands hurt like hell and she was this close to cutting her hair off so it wouldn't get in her way as she dug holes, there was only so much a hair tie can do. She mostly put her hair in pigtail braids, it seemed to be the easiest thing to do.

It had been another day of digging holes for the teens at camp green lake. She had finished her hole before zigzag had, which was a first. She made her way over to his hole, shovel in hand. "Need some help?" She asked, looking down at him, she had to admit. He was cute, but she didn't think now was the time to really act on those thoughts.

"Nah, but thanks for the offer shark." He told her, giving her a quick wink before going back to his hole. She rolled her eyes at her new nickname. She wouldn't mind having a nickname if it was a cool nickname, not after a sea creature (no offense squid.) but the boys knew she hated the nickname and totally played off of it.

She put her shovel back it its respective spot, cleaned up a bit and headed to the Rec room to be semi social. She walked over to the pool table that magnet and squid were at.

"Can I play winner?" She asked, standing next to both boys.

"You ever played?" Magnet asked her.

She nodded. "My brother taught me.." she told them. When she was younger her brother would take her to the arcades that had pool tables and they would play for hours. "Haven't played in a while though so I might not be that good." She told them, she knew she was good but she had to bluff a bit.

"Let's make this interesting. Winner plays you, then who ever wins gets the others shower tokens for the day." Squid challenged her.

She stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Your on." She agreed, shaking his hand. She took a step back and let the boys play there game. Once it was over, magnet was the winner. So it was her vs him.

The game started, she was stripes, he was solid. She went easy on his at first, letting him get the first few shots, but half way through the game, she started to really play, getting every ball in its respective hole.

She could see magnet was starting to sweat a little with his shower tokens on the line. It was down to the 8 ball and was sharks turn. She looked at magnet.

"I get this in, and your shower tokens are mine." She told him, she leaned down and lined up her stick with the 8 ball, carefully. She knocked the ball in the hole in one shot, no mistakes. She did a little victory pump. "Hand em over baby." She went up to magnet, who was looking defeated. He reluctantly put his hand in his pocket and handed her two shower tokens.

"I thought you said you weren't good at pool." He sulked.

"Yeah, I didn't say I wasn't amazing at it." She corrected him.

"Guess we gotta call you pool shark now." Squid said, patting her back to congratulate her.

"I think I can tolerate the nickname more now." She smiled. "So, who's up for round two?"


Dinner had been served and Rec time was over for the camp green lake juveniles. Shark had already showered and brushed her teeth, and was laying in her cot reading, well the other boys joked around before bed time.

"You know this isn't school right? You don't gotta read." Squid teased her, sitting on the cot that was next to hers.

"At least I know how to read." She joked back, nudging him with her foot playfully. "But no joke, this is the best book ever written, it's a classic for a reason." She told him.
Jo took the photo in the book that she used for a book mark and put it in her book, marking her place. She then took the book and placed it under her pillow so she knew it would be safe.

"How many times have you read that thing?" Zigzag questioned, inserting himself into there conversation.

Shark sat up in her cot, now looking at the two boys. "I've lost track at this point, but if I had to guess, maybe 14." She told him.

"I can't even name 14 books man." Squid shook his head. Zigzag and shark both chuckled.

"I just figured it could pass the time well I'm here." She explained.

"Yeah when your not spending your time hustling people at pool." Magnet snarked, from across the room.

"Ease drop much?" She said back to him. "He's just mad because he has two less shower tokens." He announced.

"Maybe Tomorrow we can hustle another tent from some extra pillows." Magnet suggested.

"Won't we get in trouble with Mr sir?" She asked concerned.

"Who says he's gonna know?" X ray chimed in.

Shark shrugged. "Alright, 7 pillows coming up." She announced to the tent of boys.

It was now time for lights out. Shark was now laying in her cot, staring up at the wall. For the first time since she came here. She felt satisfied with the day. She finally had a skill that was useful around here. Maybe she would be okay.

Omg y'all thank you for 100 reads! Please keep commenting letting me know how you like the story!

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