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Shark groaned loudly as she was woken up by the bugle. She took her pillow and put it over her face, attempting to block the sound out. Maybe if she didn't hear the bugle, she wouldn't have to dig. She rather spent the day with zigzag, maybe draw little doodles on his hand and beat him in a round of pool.

Her little day dream was short lived by someone shaking her. "Get up shark!" Squid kept on shaking her until she sat up.

"I'm up, geez.." she groaned as she swung her legs over the side of the cot and rubbed her eyes.

"Time to dig sleepy head." He told her. She sighed at his words.

"Don't remind me." She said, sitting up and getting her digging jump suit that was covered in dirt and needed to be washed soon.

She then changed the bandaid on her face. Her cut was mostly healed up by now but she didn't wanna risk it getting dirty well she dug, She then put her hair up into a ponytail.

"Smiling faces! Smiling faces!" She could hear mom yell outside the tent, attempting to motivate them for the day. It definitely was not working.

She walked out of the tent with the other boys and headed to the shovel shed. She could barley keep her eyes open as she stood in line. Zigzag was behind her, she leaned back and rested the back of her head on his chest, causing him too put an arm around her.

"You gotta wake up sleepy girl." He Chuckled at her.

"What's the point? I'm gonna be tired after I dig my hole, so I might as well be tired all day." She said.

The line started to move up so she took herself out of zigzags warm embrace. She saw Stanley take the shovel with the red tape on it, wrong move.

He was the shoved by x ray, who snatched the shovel out of his hand. She was very appreciative that squid warned her about that rule the first day she was digging her hole.

Once it was her turn she grabbed her shovel, zigzag followed behind her with his shovel in hand.

As the two walked to go dig there holes for the day, zigzag spoke. "The shovel express is now boarding." He told her. She smiled.

"What's the price of admission?" She asked looking at up at him and playing along with his joke. The two had stopped walking.

He stared at her for a moment, his eyes darting quickly from her eyes then her lips. He then spoke. "Uh, no charge today ma'am." He told her, taking the shovel out of her hand.

She chuckled at him. "Thanks shovel boy." She said, punching his shoulder as the two of them made there way to dig there holes.


After sharks hole for the day was done, she jumped out and spit in it. She didn't really understand the whole spitting thing but it seemed like a tradition all the boys did.

She looked around to see who was still there, x ray and squid were done and headed back to main camp already, well the rest of the boys were close to being done. Meanwhile Stanley was truly struggling just to make a dent.

She noticed zigzag was sitting in his hole drinking water, even though he was done. She wondered over to him. "You done?" She asked him.

He immediately stood up when he noticed she was standing there. "Yeah, just finished." He told her, he hadn't though. He had been done for the last 20 minutes, but he wanted to wait for shark.

He got out of his hole and brushed off the dirt from his jump suit, then spit in his hole. He immediately grabbed her shovel then hers, as if it was a usual thing, which it was becoming at this point.

She smiled and walked back to the tent with him after there shovels were put away. As soon as she got to the tent she flopped onto her cot. "God I need a nap." She announced.

Zig got on to his cot that was next to hers. "Tell me about it." He said, getting comfortable.

"I think we got like 15 minutes of quite before someone comes in here and ruins it." She told him, turning so that her body was facing him.

"How long do you think new kid is gonna be out there?" He asked.

"Probably till dark. He didn't look like he was making any headway." She told em, she sat up a bit to take her hair out of her ponytail. She let her hair down, shaking it to get any dirt that had gotten on her well she dug. This made her hair stick out everywhere.

"Squids right, your hair is starting to look like mine." He noticed, referring to her messy hair.

She smiled. "Guess now I have two twins here. You and squid."

"Because you both assaulted cops?" He asked.

"Well.." she continued. "That and we both had sea creature nicknames."

"That's right." He recalled.

"Did you know that coconuts are technically more dangerous then sharks?" She told him.

He raised his eyebrow, questioning her fact. "No way."

She nodded. "It's true! Statistically Falling coconuts kill way more people then sharks do."

He chuckled at the obscure fact. "Well, remind me never to stand under any coconut trees." 

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now