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That night, it seemed like all the members of d tent couldn't fall asleep. Stanley seemed like he was the most upset by zero being gone, which made sense. Stanley was the only person zero would talk to. In fact, shark couldn't even remember having any sort of interaction with zero.

She was starting to feel guilty about it. Maybe she could have done more to help him at camp green lake when he first got there. She tried but he never spoke to anyone.

"Man, if he's not back by morning, he's dead." Armpit said laying in his cot.

"He's dead either way." X ray said. "If he says out there or if he comes back."

"Yeah, who know what the warden do to him." Shark said, giving her opinion.

"When do you think there gonna find his body?" Zigzag asked.

"What body? Man zeros buzzard food." Squid said.

"Why you two gotta all morbid?" Shark asked them.

"Not being morbid, just being realistic. There Gonna pick out his eyeballs first." Squid said.

"Ew! Squid I didn't need that image in my head before I went to bed." She said.

"Man I can't believe you just said that." X ray said, seeming to be equally as disgusted as shark was.

"Yeah squid that's disgusting." Zigzag said.

"Come on learn how to take a joke." Squid told them, getting comfortable in his cot.

But it wasn't a joke. There was a very real possibility of zero not making it back. Shark now couldn't get the image of zeros lifeless body laying in the dessert, being picked apart by bugs.

Needless to say, she didn't sleep much that night.


The morning came and no sign of zero. Instead they were greeted with the arrival of a new member of d tent.


At dinner he seemed incredibly jumpy, and not because he was excited.

"So what are you in here for twitch?" X ray asked.

"Oh Joy riding." He answered, his eyes twitching and his fingering tapping against the table. So, what you in here for, Twitch? "I guess you never really plan to steal one or nothing, but when I walk past a really nice car...Whoo! Oh... I just start twitching, you know? Really kind of... well, you think I'm jumpy now? You should have seen me behind the wheel of that mustang convertible. Whoo! Vroom!" He explained, twitching in the process.

Shark then leaned over next to zigzag, so only he could hear her. "I swear, if he makes that noise in his sleep, I'm gonna lose it." Shark told him, referring to the little 'vroom' sound he kept making.

"If he does, I'm putting the pillow over his face till he stops."


The next day of digging, twitch was really struggling to dig his hole. He could barley hole his shovel up.

"Come on twitch let's go!" The boys shouted to him, signaling it was time for a water break.

Shark stood behind zigzag as they waited for water, which was odd considering she was always behind magnet.

"Hey man I'm sick and tired of you cutting in line."squid then confronted magnet, shoving him.

"Hey man just chill out!" Magnet said, shoving him back.

"Guys come on seriously I can't take another fight! We're all gonna get water who cares who goes first?" She said. She really didn't want another fight to break out and let alone the warden to come by again.

"Stay out of it." Squid said to her, continuing to shove magnet.

Mr sir quickly stepped in. "Gentlemen, there's only one law around here and that's me. You guys want to learn the tough lessons? Here. I'll give you a tough- guy.." but mr sir was cut off by the sound of an engine starting, and he quickly turned around to see what was going on.

"Come on. Come on. Put it in gear!" Twitch instructed Stanley.

Mr sir then went to chase after Stanley, but it was no use, he was already driving away.

All the other boys started cheering except for shark. She didn't know what the hell was going on. She just stood there, watching mr sirs attempt to get his truck back.

But Stanley glory was short lived by him crashing the truck into a hole.

All the boys and shark ran over to see if he was okay, but he got out of the truck, and ran off to go find zero.

Mr sir was too angry about his truck to try and yell at any of the rest of them. Shark then looked at all the boys, who were smiling and cheering for Stanley as he ran.

"Wait, did you guys plan this?" She asked, putting two and two together.

"Of course we did, we had to help caveman out somehow." Squid explained to her.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped.." she said, feeling slightly left out.

"Because if we told you, you'd have blown the whole thing." X ray told her.

"I would not have, I literally did theater in high school!" She said.

"Well next time we need someone to sing phantom of the ghost, we'll ask you." Squid teased, poking her sides.

"It's phantom of the opera, you idiot."

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now