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Stanley never did get in trouble for 'stealing' the sunflower seeds. Maybe the warden had been in a good mood or just didn't care about mr sirs snack. Either way, she was glad none of the boys were being punished.

Shark let out a big yawn as she entered the tent, zigzag following behind her. "I told squid I'd play pool with him later but I don't even know if I have the energy." She complained.

"Then rest for a little bit, then you'll be ready to beat 'em in a couple games. But I think you could probably do that even if you were tired." He said.

Shark kicked off her boots and went to change into her relaxation clothes. She realized that the shirt she was putting on was zigzags. He hadn't asked for it back since he had given it to her, so she kept wearing it. She loved how big and cozy it was on her. Once she was changed she got on her cot, laying down.

"Scoot over." Zigzag told her, signaling that he wanted to lay in her cot with her.

She smiled slightly, her face blushing at bit. Zigzag and her had really only ever cuddled up in her cot once before, and she quickly got nervous and kicked him out before she said something stupid.

But she complied and scooted over, making room for him. He then laid down next to her, making him self comfortable by wrapping his arm around her.

"Something wrong with your own cot zig?" She asked, looking up at him.

He shrugged. "Just not as good as yours.." he told her.

"Right..." she said, letting her head rest against zigzags arm that was laid behind her. "Are you ever gonna ask for your shirt back?" She asked him.

"I wasn't planning on it, I think you enjoy it much more than I do." He told her.

"Good, because I was planning on taking it with me when I get out of here." She half joked.

"What's the first thing your gonna do when you get out of here shark?" He asked her.

"Eat a cheese burger and give franny a bit smooch." She told him.

Zigzag laughed. Of course she would be focused on seeing her cat after she got out of here. "You think franny would ever want like, another cat living with you?" He asked her.

"No way, she would become way to jealous and territorial." Shark explained to zigzag. "But I'm surprised that my mom hasn't gone and filled the house up with cats well I've been gone. Must be lonely there.." she trailed off.

"Well she's got her boyfriend, right?"

"Yeah but, still. I feel bad that she kinda lost both me and my brother within about a year." Shark said. "There's only so much having a boyfriend can do, there's always gonna be that missing void when it comes to me and my brother."

Zigzag had started playing with sharks hair well she was talking, it was slightly tangled and dusty from all the digging she did that day, but zigzag didn't seem to mind. He always thought her hair was pretty, even after squid went and messed it up.

"Well, whenever you get home, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you." He said, twirling a longer piece of her hair with his finger.

"'s gonna be weird though. Not seeing you guys everyday.." she said.

Zigzag frowned. "I mean, well still keep in touch right? It's not like I'm just gonna forget about you.." he said, but quickly continued speaking. "And all the other guys." He finished.

Shark nodded. "Yeah, I mean I couldn't imagine not keeping in contact with you guys. It's just gonna be different not seeing you all first thing in the morning when I wake up." She said. "But that's still months away. A year actually." Shark said.

"Yeah, I've lost track of how much time I have left here." He admitted.

"Maybe we're better off that way, not remembering. Because if we don't remember, then there's no having to count how much time you have left." She said, the paused. "Did that sound right?" She asked. She didn't know if she was making sense or not. Her brain was fried from working in the hot sun all day.

Zigzag chuckled at her need for assurance. "Don't worry. You always make sense trust me." He told her.

The two dozed off together in sharks cot, peacefully unaware of the world around them.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now