A very special thank you

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Whoa, first of all, I truly never thought I'd be able to finish this book. I would like to start off by saying that I'm very proud of myself for doing this and pushing through even when I wanted to give up.

Secondly, I wanna thank all of you for reading and voting for this story. All of the sweet comments you guys left really kept me going and motivated to write. And i really can't thank you all enough for the support.

TW: mention of loss.
Through out writing this book I found myself using it as an outlet for things I was going through in my real life. Last year I lost one of my siblings very suddenly and tragically. And my grief journey has been one of the most painful things I've had to deal with. So putting it in a story was a way of processing their death. And to all of you who have ever lost a sibling or a loved one, my heart goes out to you.

In a more positive note, I do have a few idea for an act 2, which would feature some moments and story's about shark and the boys after camp green lake, but I'll only do it if you guys would like me to.

Anyway, thank you to all that have read this book. 💗💗💗

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