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⚠️Trigger warning!!!! Mention of suicide and death! If you are anyway triggered or uncomfortable with this topic please do not read any further!

Shark spent next hour as far away from the tent as possible, and far away from people for that matter. She didn't even wanna go back to the tent and face the boys, knowing they had seen her in such a vulnerable state.

But she knew it was almost lights out, And she didn't wanna get reprimanded by mr sir. So she headed back to d tent, but didn't go in just yet. She wanted to avoid it as long as possible. So she sat on the steps of the entrance. Still holding the letter from her mother. She had re read that thing several times in the last hour.

"We thought you might have run away." She heard someone say behind her. Looking behind her shoulder she saw zigzag standing there, his hands behind his back. He took a seat next to her.

"I'm starting to wish I did." She admitted.

"Well I'm glad you didn't, because then we wouldn't have been able to give this back to you." He told her.

She looked at him confused before he handed her the copy of Frankenstein that had been missing. Shark looked at the book, then at zigzag, then back at the book. "Who took it?" She asked as he handed the book back to her, she quickly checked to make sure her photo was still there. It was.  She took it out and held it in her hand.

"Some idiots from c tent broke in to our tent earlier and took it." He explained.

"How'd you get it back?" She asked, holding the book close to her chest.

"Squid and x ray threaten to kill 'em and burry in one of the holes." Zigzag told her.

Shark smiled lightly. It meant a lot to her that they went to the trouble to do that for her. "I'll have to thank em." She said.

He nodded. "You know x feels pretty bad about what he said back there. He wasn't trying to like, hurt you or anything." Zig told her.

She nodded her head. "I know I mean, he couldn't have known about my brother or anything like that. I didn't tell anyone. Not even squid." She said to him.

Zig nodded. "What's his name?" He asked her, pointing to the picture. "Your brother."

Shark looked at the photo then back at zigzag. "Micheal." She answered.

There was a pause before talking again. "What happened?" He asked her. "I mean if you don't wanna talk about it, it's cool." He rambled on. "But If you do, you can."

Shark thought for a moment, before figuring out where to start. "He uh, he took his own life about a year ago." She started, trying to muster up the courage to actually be vulnerable. "Our parents got divorced a couple years ago. It was like super hard on him." She said. "He kinda started being distant, skipping school, once time I found alcohol in his room." She explained. "But in all honesty, I don't think I'll ever know why he did it.  He seemed okay a couple days before, happy even."

She then looked at zig, trying to read his face. He eyes were intensely focused on her, like he was really listening and taking every word in.

She continued. "The night before he passed, he came into my room and gave me this book." She reached down and ran her fingers over the pages. "I was so confused as to why he was giving it to me. It was his favorite book. But when I asked him he just said he wanted me to have it." She started to get choked up again. "Before he left my room, he just told me everything would be alright. I didn't know what he meant by it. But now I get it." There were now tears in her eyes, she quickly wiped them away. "Sorry for like, springing that all on you at once." She apologized.

Zigzag shook his head. "No it's cool." He told her. "I mean, not cool about your brother." He quickly corrected. "It's fine that your telling me all this." he told her.

"Thanks zig." She thanked, nudging him with her shoulder. He gave her a nudge back.

"I think maybe we should get back inside before Mr sir comes out and gives us hell." He said standing up. He held out a hand for her to take. She took his hand and let him help her up.

For the moment her hand was in his, she felt herself missing physical contact. She saved the moment before she let go of his hand, making her way inside the tent.

When she entered all the boys stoped mid conversation. All of them looking at her. They all looked at one other, waiting for the other to speak. But x ray was the one to break the silence. He stood up from his cot, making his way over to shark.

He stuck out his hand for her to shake. "No hard feelings?" He asked her, asking for forgiveness.

She shook his hand. "It's all good x." She told him. He gave her a quick pat on the shoulder before she headed back to her space. She noticed all her stuff was picked up and put back.

"Squid you do this?" She asked him, gestured to her cot.

Squid shook his head. "Don't look at me, it was all zigzag." He told her.

She turned back to zigzag, smiling. "Thanks zig." She thanked him.

He gave her a small nod before turning back to his cot.

Shark took her book and safely put it back under her pillow. She felt a little more secure knowing that if someone else took her book, they'd have to get through the rest of d tent.

Hey y'all! Here's a new chapter! Please vote and let me know how your liking the story!

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ