Thirty - nine

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The next two weeks really seemed to fly by in the dalton house hold. Lottie successfully was able to get emergency custody of squid, and he seemed to be adjusting well to living in a stable house hold.

It was Friday night and sharks parents had decided to take the two teens out to dinner to celebrate shark finishing her junior year. She had picked home style diner, a local little diner she had loved going ever since she was a kid.

Shark and squid were sharing a basket of mozzarella sticks, when Lottie spoke. "You know I saw a help wanted sign in the window when we walked in." She told them. "I think that could be a fun summer job for you." She spoke, then taking a bite of her salad.

Shark finished chewing her mozzarella stick before speaking. "Like waitressing? I've never been a waitress before why would they hire me?" She asked.

"I used to waitress when I was your age, and they need people who can work during the summer. I think the least you could do is apply." Her mother said.

"Fine, but only if squid applies." She stated, nudging his arm.

"Why are you dragging me into this?" He complained.

"Oh yeah! Alan you should apply too! Then you both can get some work experience." Lottie said excitedly. "And you can car pool."

"Yeah but only if I drive.." shark said. She had gotten her license a couple weeks after she had gotten home from camp green lake.

"Well you're gonna have drive since I don't have a license." He said.

Lottie looked at squid. "I was meaning to talk to you about that Alan, would you wanna get your drivers license?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I turned 16 at camp so I really never had the chance to learn how to drive." He explained.

Lottie looked at Dave, before taking a deep sigh and speaking carefully. "That brings me to another question." Lottie said. "You've been staying with us for a while now, and as you know we were able to get emergency custody. But we were wondering.." she took a pause. "If you would let us have full custody of you.." she spoke.

Squid seemed confused. "What does that mean?" He asked them.

"Well Alan, what we're trying to say is, we wanna adopt you.." Lottie finally said.

Shark had no idea they were gonna ask them that question tonight, she knew they were considering it but she was so excited that they had finally made up their minds.

"So? What'd say Alan?" Dave asked him. The three looked at squid for a response.

"You want me in this family?" He asked, feeling like this was too good to be true.

"Yeah squid, you practically became my family at camp, and this just makes it more official." She smiled, almost not being able to contain her excitement.

Squid looked at her, then the two adults sitting across from them."You sure about this?" He asked one more time, before making his official answer.

"100%." Lottie assured him.

He then slowly nodded. "Okay...I wanna be apart of them family." He said.

Lottie practically jumped out of her seat and went to the other side of the booth to the two teens, sitting next to squid and giving him the biggest hug, and then a kiss on the forehead.

"Dave! Get my camera out of my purse. I wanna capture this moment." She said, beaming with joy. Lottie always used to take photos, the family had dozens of albums filled with them. But once Micheal passed, she barely took any photos.

Dave got the camera and pointed it at the three of them. Shark threw her arm around squid, getting in close for the photo. "Alright, one..two..three." He said, clicking the button when he said three.

"I can't wait to get that into one of the photo albums." Lottie said.

Squid couldn't hide his smile. For once in his life he felt like he was part of a family.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I really like how this came out! Also get ready for the next chapter!

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