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After Jo had settled in, it was time for dinner. She didn't have much to unpack though. Just put her clothes away, and hid her book and photos that she brought with her. She didn't want the boys seeing any of that, in fear that they'd steal them or make fun of her for having them.

She just followed behind them distantly. She didn't wanna seem like a lost puppy, but she also wanted to make sure she went to the right place for dinner. She was starving. She wasn't given any lunch and she was way to nervous to eat breakfast. So her stomach kept making weird grumbly noises she prayed no one else heard.

She got in line to get get food. As she waited she felt eyes all over her. These boys most likely hasn't seen a female there age in months and they were looking at her like she was gonna be there next meal rather then the food being served. She quickly got her food and tried to find a seat, as she scanned the cafeteria for a seat (preferably at a table with no people.) but then someone came up behind her.

"You look lost." Squid said to her, holding his own trey of food in his hand.

"Was it that obvious?" She said to him.

He let out a sigh with a slight chuckle. "Just follow me." He told her. She really didn't ask any questions. At least she was gonna sit with someone she semi knew.

She followed him to a table with all the other D tent boys. They all stopped there conversations to look at her as she sat down. She gave a small, non threatening, closed mouth smile.

"So uh, since when did they let girls here at camp green lake?" Theodore, or well, armpit asked.

Jo shrugged and looked at him as she spoke. "Not sure, guess I'm just the test rat." She joked. Not one boy laughed. She had to quickly recover. "To be fair they didn't exactly tell me it was a boys camp." She defended.

"What exactly do you do to get here? Cat fight at the mall over a last pair of shoes?" Magnet teased, causing all the other boys to laugh.

Jo felt her jaw clench slightly. She originally planned on not telling anyone why she was there. It was kinda like prison rules. Don't tell anyone so they have nothing to use against you. But she was now starting to think that maybe if she spilled her guts a little, she'd earn some street credit at camp green lake.

"You guys really wanna know?" She said, hoping to to peak there interest. A bunch of nods and "yea"s were seen and heard.

She sat up a bit straighter when she spoke."I bit a cop." She told them, crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair, waiting for them to react.

There was silence for a second. Then zigzag spoke. "You draw blood?" He asked.

"Little bit, I could taste it in my mouth after." She explained. "My teeth have always been slightly sharper then usual." She reached into her mouth and pulled back her lips and cheek a bit, so they could see the sharper side of her k nines. All the boys leaned in and examined her teeth a bit closer.

"What are you like a shark? Damn girl.." X ray said to her.

She took her fingers out of her mouth so she could speak. "I was thinking they were more vampire like but shark works too." She shrugged.

Dinner went surprisingly okay. The boys didn't seem to pester her for more questions. They seemed to think she was okay. After dinner it was to the showers and straight to bed. The shower was extremely cold and uncomfortable. But she was hoping she'd get used to that after a couple weeks.

She entered the tent with her hair in a towel, trying to dry it best she could before she went to bed. Just because she was at a Juvenal camp didn't mean she couldn't still take care of her basic hygiene.

Jo attempted to brush her hair with the flimsy comb that was provided to her, at least it got the knots out. As she sat on her cot combing through her hair, she took a look around her. She observed the boys. It seemed x ray was the leader of the group. Not because he was bossy to the others, it just seemed like all the other kids respected him.

Armpit seemed like second in command, and she was starting to understand why they called him armpit. She was glad her bunk wasn't next to his. Squid seemed to always be making some snarling remark. Zigzag well, he was just an odd ball. His hair seemed to always being sticking out in every direction and his eyes got all wide when he talked.

She sat and observed the boy's conversations, trying to get a feel for what the next two years of her life would be like. She decided she could make it work. All she had to do was try and keep her head low and out of trouble.

Finally it was lights out. Jo pulled the flimsy covers over her body to try and get comfy. she was about to close her eyes when she heard squid speak.

"Aye new girl, don't let the yellow spotted lizards bite ya in your sleep." He said. Which followed by the rest of the boys snickering.

Great. Just the thing she needed to worry about.

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