Chapter Two

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Trigger Warning ⚠️  Bullying, Verbal Abuse, Assault, Mature Language


My mother and I had indulged in some excessive pampering and shopping for new clothes. It was a busy day, and I had made several trips up and down the flights of stairs, carrying bags from the garage to my room. With each step I took, the stairs creaked beneath me. The aroma of new clothes filled the air as I dumped the garments on my bed.

After my third trip up, Jarek appeared at the top of the stairs, looking disgruntled. The noise I was making had disturbed his nap. He had to go to pack training soon and was not in the mood for any disturbances. I ignored him and continued to my room, the sound of my footsteps echoing in the hallway. I reached my door and slammed it shut behind me, feeling both relieved and frustrated by the interruption.

Spinning around, I admire myself in the new dress my mom picked out. The fabric is soft against my skin, and the vibrant colors make me feel alive. I appreciate my reflection in the floor-length mirror hanging on my door, admiring the way the dress flares out as I twirl. I can hear the soft rustle of the material as I move, and I catch a whiff of the sweet scent of my perfume. Dad might not approve of this dress, but I can’t help but feel beautiful in it. Mom promised to handle any objections from him, so I decide to enjoy this moment of feeling confident and glamorous.

The boho dress is a sight to behold, reaching mid-thigh and sure to stir up trouble with dad. Its delicate baby-blue lace brings out the natural hue of my eyes - a breathtaking sky-blue. I love the way the soft fabric grazes against my skin, that is sending shivers down my spine. The dress features a daring deep V-neck that stresses the swell between my breasts, which I know will make my father go ballistic. The sleeveless design, held up by thin spaghetti straps, exposes my shoulders to the cold air flowing through the vents. But the cute cream-colored sunflowers splashed throughout the dress, make it all worth it. I can’t wait to show off my new attire and make heads turn.

Looked at myself in the mirror with a smile. “I look like a normal human for once.” But just as I took a step back, my door flew open, startling me.

Jarek’s voice is deep and menacing as he growls. “What the fuck are you wearing?” He grips my shoulders tightly, his fingers digging into my skin, and shoves me against the bedroom wall with such force that I struggle to catch my breath. His cologne fills my nostrils as fear and confusion race through my heart. Meanwhile, the rough texture of the wall scrapes against my stomach and breasts, adding to my discomfort.

“One would call this a dress, Jarek. Are you seriously that dense?”

Smirking with a hint of amusement, I roll my eyes in exasperation as I stomp my heel into his foot. The sharp sound of my heel hitting his shoe echoes through the room, making me feel somewhat satisfied. He briefly releases me, and I take advantage of the opportunity to spin around, using all my might to deliver an uppercut to his jaw. The sound of his teeth clashing together in response fills the air. He roars in anger and squeezes my arms painfully, making me wince in pain. Then he narrows his eyes as he glares into mine, the intensity of his gaze making me feel like I’m trapped. Clasping my wrists in one hand, he brushes away the whips of hair concealing my orbs.

“What the hell?”

“I persuaded mom into letting me get colored contacts. It took me all day because she believes I shouldn’t disguise what distinguishes me from others.”

“Change, now,” he said, his voice stern and urgent. With a forceful grip, he yanks me towards the closet, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the room.

With my heart racing, I yelled, “If you don’t let me go, I will kick your precious jewels so hard that they’ll lodge up your backside. You won’t be able to bear offspring!” His grip tightened on my arm, but I could feel his momentary hesitation. Seizing the opportunity, I fiercely head butted him in the nose. I heard the sickening crunch of cartilage and felt the warm splatter of blood on my face. As he stumbled backward, I lunged forward, and we both crashed into the closet. The metallic scent of blood mixed with the musty smell of clothes assaulted my nostrils, and I grunted as landed on top of him.

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