Chapter Eleven

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“Hello, son. It's late, what's wrong?”

“I believe I have found her.”

“The princess.”

“Yes, sir. However, it’s hard to tell with the limited information we have gotten. She is unaware of who or what she is. She cannot bond with her wolf. Despite that, I put her under a hypnotic trance and Titan linked with her wolf, Larissa.”

“Hum. Good job, son. You must bring her to me as soon as possible. You are not strong enough to help her. She's doomed if her wolf fails to manifest soon. Her human nature will oppose being three entities in one. I hope we are not too late.”

“I apologize, sir. I gave it my best shot. As you said, I'm not powerful enough. An ancient Alpha like yourself is the only person who could assist her. “

“Bring her to me promptly. There’s no time to waste.”

“That might be hard for me to accomplish. One entity within her took over tonight, and she attacked the Alpha’s son. I have no knowledge of his condition, but he didn't appear to be in good shape when I was leaving. I also messed up by shifting so I wouldn’t be late getting her back. Amongst other things I wish not to disclose.”

He regards me, and I can feel the tug of him breaking into my subconscious. Memories of home prevent him from pushing into my thoughts. He grunted and broke the tether.

“Be careful, son. You mustn’t grow attached. If she is the princess, she is promised to another.”

“And what of her wolf, Father? Is Larissa not destined to have a mate?”

“I am unaware of what shall happen. A mate for her would bring war. She must reject her mate to keep the peace.”

“Then I would be mateless. I cannot rule without a mate and an heir.”

“She isn’t your mate, son. You have forgotten why we are here. To locate the princess and return with her."

“I’ll do as you wish and stay away from her for the time being. However, if she is my mate, I will not reject her.”

“We’ll deal with that situation if it arrives. We’re done here. Rest up. We have a long day ahead.”

“Yes, sir.”


“Would you want me to come inside with you?”

Annalise regards me, smiles, and shakes her head.

“I should be fine on my own, Xillon. You overlook that I'm usually by myself.”

“I plan on changing that. It’s time everyone accepts you for who you are, Annalise.”

“It's possible that rejection and solitude are my fate.”

Pain shoots through my chest from her sad sky-blue eyes looking up at me.

“Bullshit. You deserve to be cared for, just like everyone else. The goddess wouldn't have placed you here otherwise."

“Yeah, well. Selene turned away from me from the time I was born. She bore me into a freak. Look at me Xillon.”

I reach out and caress her lupin lobes and smile.

“I am. You are gorgeous as you are. To be honest, I have always thought you were beautiful, Annalise. I’ve been immature and stupid. I am aware of that now. Once more, I apologize. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

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