Trinity of Entanglement Ten

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Wanting to give Annalise some time with her cousins, my mind linked to Zane and Jarek, telling them to hold back. It wasn’t until I saw her hugging up on one of the other guys in the group that I quickened my pace. His nose is nuzzled up against her neck. He clenches his eyes shut, and it takes all my strength not to shift, because Xavier wants to rip his head off. Not that I don’t want to, but he better be glad I’m a champ at reining in my self control.

‘If he doesn’t get his hands off of her, I’m going to kill him.’

She glances my way, then goes back to speaking with him, and that’s when my control snapped. Trying not to look too desperate to get to her, I take off into a jog, but what I want to do is sprint towards her.

He walks off, thankfully. Just as I reach her and embrace her from behind, he turns around. But I pay him no mind as I ignore him and brush my lips over her cheek. The same static charge I get any time I’m this close to her pierces my lips and a zing travels throughout my body, making my cock jump. She seems to be dazed and startled by my sudden appearance. Then snaps out of it and hugs my arms tighter around her and sighs.

Keeping my arm wrapped around her waist, and pulled as close to me as I can, we begin introductions. Trying to keep the piece, I acted as if I hadn’t seen what transpired between them. It wasn’t easy keeping Xavier from breaking the guy’s hand. He’s growling and has his teeth bared. Finley’s expression became clouded. Most likely mine is as well as we try to keep our wolves below the surface.

‘She is our mate. You should make it known to everyone. We should mark her and mate her, so all other males know to stay away from what is ours.’

‘Get out of my head, Xavier. All of this is hard enough to endure. I don’t need you in my head pushing me to do something you know damn well we can’t do.’

With that, he walks off growling and whimpering as if I wounded him.


‘We went overboard back there, Xavier. I will not let you take control like you want to. We almost… What the hell was that rambling of hers? She thinks we would share her. Hell no…’

My thoughts and emotions are going haywire. I can’t seem to catch my bearings and Xavier isn’t helping at all. He’s making everything worse.

‘She is our mate. You should have at least mated with her. We can’t deny it at this point. All the signs are there.’

‘I can’t do this with you right now. My heart feels like it’s shattering into a million pieces!’

Taking back full control, I shift and run through the forest. None caring about the fact that I’m naked. Finley’s gotten his claws into her. I can tell. Was she hot for me, or was she thinking about him when I made her cum twice? I must do something quickly. Finley needs to know that she’s mine and better keep his distance.

Pulling my shorts down from the tree branch I hung them from, I yank them on and amble out to the pasture leading to the pack house. Regardless of the fact that we almost made love in the lake, my legs are sticky from our couplings. Her scent of what I induce to be watermelon and her arousal clings to me. This is the perfect way to get my point across. If Finley doesn’t stay away, I’ll have no choice but to take a different approach. Not only that, but Annalise clawed the shit out of my shoulders. Xavier’s angry with me at the moment, so he hasn’t healed them. But that’s fine because it gives more proof that she is mine and mine alone.

Guess luck was on my side, as I pushed the door open, walked inside, and the first person I saw was none other than Finley himself. I suppose her scent wafted over to him, because he grunts and glares at me. He leaves his group and struts up to me. Keeping my mind free of any thought, I cross my arms in front of me and furrow my brows. That sensation Annalise spoke of started coiling behind my sinuses, down my neck. He’s working hard to get something out of me, but I won’t budge.

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