Chapter Seven

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I twiddle my thumbs and stare anxiously around at all the other couples eating out tonight. I’m brought out of my haze when Dante clutches my hand under the table.

“Share more about yourself, Annalise.”

“Oh, we’re starting with me. Hum, well. There isn’t much to disclose. What you’ve seen already is what you get. Uh. What have you heard about me? We should start there.”

I’m feeling underdressed. Had I been aware Dante would bring me to the most prestigious restaurant within the pack’s borders, I would have selected one of my finest dresses to wear. I pull at the hem, hoping a few more inches will appear.

Dante observes me for a moment before answering.

“You know I hang out with Jarek and his group, correct?”

“The jocks and head honchos, yeah. So I can only imagine what you’ve heard.”

“I am a remarkable judge of character. I figured it would be best to ignore everything they said about you from the start, Annalise. One thing I have observed is you would be a beast on the battlefield. Whether you are my mate, come back to Scotland when we leave in a couple of years. We could use more warriors in our troop. Beyond that, I’ve noticed that you are timid at first, but don’t hesitate to express your thoughts. I can sense you are just as beautiful from within as you are on the outside.”

“I don’t possess a wolf, Dante. Who knows if she’ll choose to emerge? I have no desire to be a part of a pack. I’d rather go rogue than listen to someone barking demands upon me for the rest of my life. I have a deep love for my parents and I will miss them. But I’m not keen on being here when Jarek takes control.”

“More reason to come back with us when the time comes.”

“Even if my wolf stays non-existent?”

“You have a wolf, Annalise. You need to convince her she’s safe to venture out. Stop permitting your brother to overpower you.”

“It’s simpler to say than to do, Dante.”

I shove food around my plate, wishing we could end the pleasantries and move on to a more interesting conversation. Like Dante giving me more information about himself.

“I can assist you with your brother, as well as aid you in connecting with your wolf.”

“That’s not attainable. Would you mind a change of subject? I don’t enjoy talking about myself; it’s uncomfortable.”

“Your openness is captivating.”

Dante grins and slides his chair closer to mine.

“Let’s finish eating and take a stroll.”

Thirty minutes ago, Dante and I ventured into the forest. As we approach the hidden cave along the mountain, I discovered a couple of years back; I grow anxious. Each time I try to take him in another direction, he speaks up and brings me back on track. Dante grins and shakes his head.

“Belongs to you, does it?”

“I am completely in the dark about what you are saying. We should head back. It’s time to say goodnight.”

“Your mom sent a mind link. You aren’t required to be home until twelve. So we have a while before we should return. Be careful.”

I shriek when he tugs me to his side and embraces me protectively.

“I’m sorry. For a moment, I overlooked the fact that you haven’t received your shifter powers. You were about to smash into a tree.”

He switched on his phone’s flashlight and I squinted as the terrain appeared.

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