Trinity of Entanglement Two

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“I’ve… uh… I’ve never kissed anyone before.”

“Let me get this right, Zane. You have had sex with girls and haven’t kissed any of them. You just had your way with them and didn’t show any amount of affection whatsoever.” I’m both pissed and intrigued, because I might be Zane’s first kiss and he could be mine.

“Uh… no, I haven’t.”

“That’s messed up Zane. Why not?”

“It’s too personal. There are too many feelings that go into a kiss. I don’t want to give girls the wrong impression. I tell them straight up. No kissing, well… I know what to do, to make a girl cum with my hands and my cock. All the in-between bullshit just seems pointless. Kissing isn’t necessary.”

Looking away, I heave a breath or two and massage my temples. “You’ve done other things right? Like foreplay, I mean. Going down on a girl, she sucks your dick, that sort of thing, right?”

He growls, like he’s pissed that maybe I’ve done some of those things with someone else, and that is not the case. Guys don’t come near me because, well, I have a future beta, gamma, and alpha who would beat their asses. Not to mention that my father is the Alpha of the Blood Moon Howler Pack. I guess you could even call our family royalty. People revere Alpha Maximilian as the King of werewolves in this country. No guy will come within ten feet of me, unless they absolutely have to.

Honestly, there have already been a couple of not so fortunate incidents. Third, times the charm, right? Third attempt from someone just talking to me and getting their asses handed to them and guys shy away at this point in my life. Yeah, that’s me. If Zane doesn’t have sex with me, I’ll have no problems staying a virgin until I meet my mate. That is for damn sure. If it’s anyone I lose my virginity to, I want it to be him. He already knows what he’s doing, for one. Girls talk about him non-stop and I wish I could rip out their hair and bash their heads into a locker.

Even though he’s a man whore, I love him to death. Hopefully, I’ll grow a few more inches, so he doesn’t completely tower over me when he grows to be over seven feet tall. I’m the only girl he truly acts himself around. Contrary to belief, he has a heart of gold. He’s hilarious, fun to be around, gentle, and utterly fantastic in every way. Unfortunately, I think I’m the only one he is truly himself around. I don’t even think Jarek and Xillon see the side of Zane that I do.

“Not really. I don’t need to do any of that because they are already sopping wet for me. I’ve had girls go down on me to get me hard, but…”

He’s most likely fearful of the glare I’m giving him at the moment. What the hell is wrong with this guy? I’m a virgin and even I watch porn and know that foreplay is a crucial part of everything having to do with sex. Essentially, though, if we were to have sex, I would be his first to do a lot of things. Foreplay, kissing, showing emotion beyond the act of just getting off. I wouldn’t allow him to fuck me and discard me. If he did, I would kill him. I clench my thighs together at the thought and mentally scold myself for my panties being so damp.

Deciding I was tired of all the banter going on between us, I twisted slightly, gripped his face between my hands, and took control of the situation. I want a freaking kiss, damn it. When our lips connected, it seemed like time itself stopped. For me anyway, because damn, if my ears weren’t ringing and stars were bursting out within my shuttered eyes. My arousal skyrockets. I hate the fact that at this moment, I most likely look as if I’ve peed my shorts. No doubt there’s a big ole wet stain in the crotch.

Neither one of us knows what the hell to do. But just being connected in this way is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I wanted more. He did as well, because he gripped my hips and pulled me to straddle his waist. His erection was snug between us and I couldn’t help but dry hump him to sate the need coursing through my system.

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