Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Seven

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“It’s a pity that Calissa can’t join us for a drink,” Lorna exclaims, her voice filled with excitement. “But once she has their adorable pups, we’ll all gather for an unforgettable night of debauchery!” As Lorna’s words resonate in the air, the sound of clinking wine glasses fills the room, creating a symphony of celebration. The fragrant aroma of our delightful sweet and sour nectar wafts through the air, enticing our senses. With each sip, the velvety liquid dances on our tongues, leaving behind a tantalizing sensation that lingers, making this moment unforgettable.

As I sit here, the room filled with the sweet aroma of wine, I can’t help but burst into laughter. “You seem to forget,” I exclaim, my voice echoing with amusement, “that by the time she has my nephews and niece, we will all most likely be pregnant as well.” I take another sip of the rich, velvety wine, savoring its taste on my tongue. “So,” I continue, a smile playing on my lips, “that will have to be put on hold for another six months. Then you have to factor in that by the time we are having ours, she’ll most likely be pregnant again.” The room resonates with laughter, blending with the clinking of glasses and the muffled chatter once again. “I’m thinking,” I say, my voice laced with excitement, “we should take advantage of this time while we have it. Because, let’s face it, we’re all going to be popping out pups left and right once we are all mated and marked.”

“Annalise is right, you know,” Zariah said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. She took a moment to chuckle, the sound mingling with the clinking of her wineglass against the table. As she raised the glass to her lips, the rich aroma of the red wine filled the air.

“Unlike you and Lorna, Xena and I haven’t gone that extra mile and had sex,” Zariah continued, her words laced with desire. Her lips curled into a playful smile, her eyes glinting mischievously. Another sip of wine followed, the velvety liquid coating her tongue.

“Not saying that we haven’t wanted to,” she added, her voice growing husky. Zariah’s laughter danced in the air, mingling with the gentle crackling of the fire in the fireplace. We would utilize soon to make S'mores.

“But dang! I’m gonna be jumping on Dante every freaking chance I get,” Zariah exclaimed, her voice filled with anticipation. Her fingers trace the rim of her glass. Then she brings the glass to her lips for another generous gulp, humming in satisfaction.

“Dante and I are hoping to have at least three pups. If not more,” she continued, her excitement palpable. The room seemed to buzz with anticipation, the air heavy with anticipation and possibility. Zariah’s laughter bubbled forth again, a melodic sound that filled the room.

“I’m just saying. Now that I think about it, we’re all going to need to branch out and build pack houses of our own at some point,” Zariah said. Her gaze wandered around the room, imagining the future that lay ahead. The flickering light from the fireplace cast playful shadows on her face, emphasizing the sparkle in her eyes.

“I mean, where are we going to fit these pups we’re all going to be having?” she asked, her voice filled with playful humor. Her wine glass was almost empty now, the last remnants of the liquid clinging to the sides. She giggles, the sound echoing in the room as she finished her drink with a satisfied gulp.

The room seemed to brim with excitement, a sense of possibility hanging in the air. Zariah’s words, accompanied by the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of the scene, painted a vivid picture of a moment filled with laughter, desire, and dreams of the future.

“Well, all our parents have built private homes out in the forest. So it should work out fine,” Xena said, her voice carrying through the room. She gestures with her hand. “You guys could build separate suites onto the existing pack house. That way, Jarek and Calissa could have the existing quarters, and you and Xillon could have an entire wing to yourselves. It’s not a big deal.”

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