Chapter Sixteen

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“Everyone shift and fight for your lives,” Alpha Gabriel commands as he transforms into a massive midnight black wolf with grey streaks. I’ve never seen a werewolf so huge in my life. My father is an alpha, but still pales compared to Alpha Gabriel’s wolf. What the hell?

‘Shift, damn it! Don’t just stand there!’ Alpha Gabriel commands me, his superior alpha tone making me shift on the spot without hesitation.

The massive being from my dream has manifested itself into reality and is standing tall and proud before me. She’s yanking wolves up and throwing them around as if they were rag dolls. No one can get close to her.

Sending a mind link to Alpha Gabriel, Trex and I round up children, elderly and other pack members who can’t fight and start escorting them to the emergency bunker. ‘This won’t do. We need to call in the heavy artillery. Xillon, take the alpha to the weapons shed.’

I transform back into human skin so I can converse with Zane. “Get these people to the bunker. Guard them with your life.” I command.

Naked as the day I was born, I sprint towards the weapons shed after Alpha Gabriel, Xavier and Dante’s wolf. Dante's wolf is almost just as massive as his fathers but not quite.

‘Pack warriors to the weapons shed! NOW!’ I command through an open mind link to all the pack warriors that haven’t arrived on the scene.

I glance in Annalise’s direction to see her convulsing on the stretcher that Alpha Gabriel and Xillon had brought her out on just moments ago.

“Fuck!” I growl and turn back. I can’t just leave her like that.

Once I’m by her side, her eyes burst open and all three hues-blue, gold and silver shine back at me. She stops convulsing and grins at me before her body shoots up into the sky. Oh, hell no! I’m not sticking around for this shit. I did that once before and it didn’t end well. It was all a dream, but, nope. I pluck my phone from the ground and take off, running to the weapons shed. Annalise better be on our side, damn it.

‘Son, this better be good. We are in the middle of negotiations.’

‘Were being attacked by a fucking monster. We need more weapons and reinforcements.’ I yell into the phone and hang up before my father could counter. I don’t have time for this shit.

Just when I thought I was going to get away unscathed, I’m plucked from the ground and come face to face with the monster that’s destroying what my lineage has fought to build. She squeezes me so tightly I can’t breathe. Every bone in my body threatens to explode.

“Put the Alpha's son down, or I’ll pluck your head from your body.”

The monster loosens her hold on my body and spins around. Chuckling and shaking her head, she shakes me, making my head spin and bile rise from my gut.

“You are keeping me from what I hold dear, so I plan to take everyone from you that you love. How you could love this creature is beyond me, but we won’t need to worry about that much longer, will we, Tamael?” She cackles.

I’m thrown to the ground with such force I can feel the bones in my body shatter. I cry out in pain and force myself to look up at the two monsters about to brawl. The pain shooting through my body ceases and I realize that I’m paralyzed from the neck down.

‘I cry out to my wolf. ‘I scream, but my pleas go unanswered. I can’t feel him. Trex is gone, wiped out from existence. I’m screwed. I can’t run a pack this way - wolfless and shattered.

“Get up, you worthless piece of trash.” She roars and plucks my feeble body from the ground. “This is priceless. I literally broke him.” She laughs and throws me back to the ground.

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