Chapter Ten

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Cuddling my body pillow, I lay my head down and do my best to shut my mind off. Dante and I filled this evening with excitement and wonder. I can’t help but presume I am so close to connecting with my wolf. For three months I’ve sweated and toiled. If Larissa would join me in this struggle against Jarek, my life would be so much simpler.

It’s crazy. I shouldn’t be, but beyond everything. I am concerned about Jarek. I don’t believe I’ll be able to relax until I confirm he is okay. He deserved every bit of what I gave him tonight. Wouldn’t feel bad doing it all over again if the opportunity presented itself. Nevertheless, I am aware Trex has left him, as he often does. I need to reach out to him and convince him to heal Jarek. Otherwise, there could be irreversible damage. I wasn’t in my right mind when I booted him in the temple. I’m sure I shattered his trachea. I have faith in Cadance, but still.

Sitting up with a groan, I throw my legs over the side of the bed and jump down. Putting on a pair of dark leggings and a charcoal spaghetti-strap shirt, I stride over and force my window open. I already caused a stir on the stairs to start some laundry, so I knew it would be best to climb down the tree rather than going out the front door.

A pebble smacks me on the brow when I poke my head out of the window.

“Ouch.” Wincing and massaging the pain from my brow, I glance down and see Xillon standing there.

“Shhhh,” he hisses and ascends the tree outside my window.

He lends me his hand and assists me as I ascend through the window. He signals for me to mount his back. Against better judgment, I comply with his demands. Xillon’s demeanor has changed over the last year since obtaining his wolf, Xavier. I feel at this point I can rely on him, not to hurt me, and bring us down more securely than I could alone.

Jumping down, I rested my hands on my hips and scowled at Xillon.

“I appreciate it, Xillon. But what the hell are you doing here, and why did you throw a rock at my head?” I whisper.

“Stay close to the building and stay quiet until we distance ourselves enough that no one can hear us.”

There are motion detector lights around the perimeter of the house, as well as guards posted throughout the grounds. What’s crazier is that Xillon’s room is across from mine. I’m not sure how he managed to escape the dwelling without anyone noticing. It’s easier for me because of my trusty tree, but Xillon doesn’t have that luxury. How he left the house unnoticed is beyond me? But here we are.

We army-crawled our way through the thick grass until we reached the forest that surrounds the property. Once secure and out of hearing range, Xillon extended his hand and helped me up.

“Okay, spill. What is all of this about?”

“I could ask you the same question, Annalise.”

Something’s up. No one addresses me as Annalise around here apart from my parents, Cadance, Dante and the pack elders. I furrow my brows, gaging his reaction. As much as possible, since there isn’t a moon out tonight and it’s pitch black outside.

“We need to venture deeper into the forest so we may utilize a flashlight.”

“Xillon. I’m not concerned about all that right now. I was on my way to look in on Jarek. It’s getting late. I haven’t got time for this. Just tell me what’s going on, so I can get to him, okay?”

“Jarek isn’t worthy of you as a sister. He treats you like shit and still you care for him. I am here to apologize for the last decade and a half of your life. I’m not good with words, but know that I am being genuine. What we have done to you through these years… It’s inexcusable. I want to improve the situation. I wish for peace between you and me. Will you let me protect you from those idiots henceforth?”

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