Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Nine

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In an instant, a mesmerizing light floods the area, captivating my senses. It shimmers with neon rainbow hues, casting a spellbinding glow that engulfs the space. The once-present ceiling has vanished, merging the radiance of the full moon with the vibrant colors. Struggling to shield my eyes from the blinding brilliance, I blink several times. My gaze shifts to my three motionless companions, frozen in time.

A radiant angel materializes before me, its ethereal presence evoking vivid memories of the visions my grandmother, Selene, had shared with me. Conflicting emotions surge within me, unsure whether to be enraged by the angel’s unexpected appearance or bewildered by its purpose. Part of me yearns for a reality where Selene had kept the truth hidden, shielding me from this current disdain I harbor towards the celestial being standing before me.

She’s breathtaking, capturing my attention. Her vibrant, long curly golden-red tresses cascade down past her butt, their silky texture a delight to behold. Standing at an impressive height of around ten feet, her well-defined yet lean muscles speak of strength and grace. Her eyes, they shine with a crisp silver glow, captivating and illuminating the surrounding space.

I can’t help but envy her perfect complexion, stressing her exquisite facial features. It’s clear that she is the divine offspring of God, the creator of all things, and Selene, the creator of all shifters. But what steals my breath away are her wings, almost translucent yet radiating with neon hues. They span several yards in each direction, reaching above her head and cascading down to her ankles, a mesmerizing sight that leaves me in awe.

Her garments, minimal yet elegant, catch the light with a subtle shimmer, their delicate white fabric adorned with intricate silver detailing. The matching skirt molds to her curves, falling to a modest mid-thigh length. As I observe her, I can’t help but notice the faint sound of metal clinking, as the massive sword she carries along brushes against her leg. Its weight and size seem almost inconceivable, yet she carries it with ease. I am left pondering why she bears such a formidable weapon.

In her presence, it feels as though I am transported to a world where beauty and divinity intertwine, overwhelming my senses with the sights, sounds, and the subtle scent of celestial grace.

“Tameal,” I mutter through clenched teeth, the corners of my mouth turning downwards into a scowl. The room feels heavy with tension as I confront her. The air is thick, filled with bitterness and resentment.

“Why are you here?” I ask, my voice laced with disdain. My brows furrow, creating deep lines on my forehead as I search for answers. I can feel the weight of my anger, a knot tightening in the pit of my stomach.

“Not satisfied with how you ruined my life before,” I continue, my voice dripping with contempt. I scoff at her, the sound echoing in the room. The taste of bitterness fills my mouth, mirroring the bitterness in my heart.

“You know, like making me put my brother into a coma,” I accuse. The memory of that fateful day plays in my mind like a broken record. My body trembles with a mix of rage and regret.

“While we’re on that subject,” I continue, the words forced out through gritted teeth. My voice trembles with a mixture of anger and disgust. “You took over my body and made me sleep with my brother, of all people,” I say, the words heavy with a sense of violation. The image of those nights-haunts my thoughts.

“And turned me into a common sex-driven whore,” I spit out, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. The room feels suffocating, as if it holds all the shame and guilt.

“Because not only did I sleep with my brother, but with Zane and Xillon as well,” I say, my voice above a whisper. The room feels colder, as if the truth has turned the air icy.

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