Chapter 18: Advice

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Back at the dorm...

St: ...

Mh: I'm going to talk to Taehyung.

St: Mm

Minhae goes to Taehyung's dorm and knocks. Taehyung opens the door.

Mh: I need to talk to you, Hyung.

Ty: What is it? Are you alright? You look a little...

Mh: Can I come in?

Ty: Yeah... yeah. Come in.

Mh: What I wanted to talk to you about is... well. Do you remember how you liked Ally?

Ty: Yes...

Mh: Well, did you ever tell her?

Ty: Well, no. I chickened out.

Mh: Damn it.

Ty: Why?

Mh: A saesang found a picture of Sotzu and I...

Ty: Oh... why did you come to me?

Mh: I wanted to ask about how you kept your relationship private. But I can't do that... anymore.

Ty: ... I'm sorry I can't help you.

Mh: Be honest with me. Should I make our relationship public?

Ty: I... really don't know.

Mh: That's okay...

Ty: If you ever need to talk, you can come to me, alright?

Mh: I know.

Later that day...

Jy: Hey, Min... are you alright?

Mh: Hm? I'm... fine.

Jy: What's wrong?

Mh: You can ask Taehyung.

Jy: Oh... so it's about that.

Mh: He told you?

Jy: Yeah...

Mh: In that case, do you have any advice?

Jy: Maybe you should ask Sotzu... he is your boyfriend.

Mh: ...okay

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