Chapter 33: Running Away

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Mh: Wonhae...

Wh: Please, come in.

Wonhae calls out for her brother, Minho.

He comes down the stairs.

Ho: Minhae... we've missed you so much.

Mh: Thanks? I've really missed you guys, too.

Their mother slowly walks towards the scene. She gives Minhae a warm hug.

Mom: Oh... dear... how've you been?

Mh: I've been fine... thanks, mom.

Mom: Ah... who's this?

Mh: ...

St: I'm his friend... I tagged along if you don't mind, ma'am.

Mom: No need to call me ma'am... also, I'm not homophobic... you can be open to me. But... my husband is. You should be careful around him.

Just then, Minhae's dad came down. He simply greeted both of them, then sat on the sofa.

Eventually, Sotzu warmed up to Minhae's siblings and mom. But he remained distant to his dad, which might've been for the best.

Wh: So... you're dating?

Ho: Don't be disrespectful...

St: No worries... I get it quite a lot.

Wh: I never thought my brother could pull.

Mh: Hey, I'm right here.

They laugh it off, and soon after, they head downstairs for dinner.

Sotzu saw about 10 other people he didn't recognise. Of course, he asked Minhae, who everyone was.

St: Who are they?

Mh: My twin cousins, Yurin & Yunrin, and their parents.

St: And her?

Mh: I'm not that sure...

Ho: That's my girlfriend, Suri.

Mh: How come you didn't bring this up?

Ho: I don't really know.

St: Suri... that's a Japanese name, right?

Ho: Yes, Suri is from Japan. We were in the same biology class.

After dinner, Minhae and Sotzu borrowed Minho's old PlayStation to play with.

They realised that Yurin and Yunrin were in the guest bedroom. They didn't think much about it and continued playing.

"AH I WON," Sotzu exclaimed. He gave a hug to Minhae to express his excitement.

Then, they heard a camera shutter coming from the guest bedroom.

They turned around to see Yurin holding her phone towards them while Yunrin seemed worried and was whispering to Yurin.

Yurin got up and swiftly ran downstairs. Minhae decided to follow her.

He heard Yurin telling his mom about them. Luckily, his mom already knew about this.... Unluckily, his dad was also in the room and heard exactly what she said.

Dad: ... What?

Minhae, knowing he and Sotzu have been caught, quickly ran back to his room to tell him.

Mh: Tzu, pack up. We have to go.

Sotzu didn't say anything, but he complied.

They didn't have much to pack, so they grabbed everything they could and climbed out the window.

They could hear Minhae's dad calling out for them as they ran away. Minhae started the car and took off with Sotzu. They saw Minhae's dad running onto the porch, but he couldn't catch up to them.

Mh: ...

St: We should get back...

Mh: ... yeah, of course

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