Chapter 22: Homophobic?

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After all that, they got back to their dorm safely.

In Min and Tzu's Dorm

Mh: Tzu, about your birthday thing...

St: Oh, yeah. I just texted my parents.

Mh: Wait, what exactly did you text them?

Sotzu showed Minhae his phone.


Wang is the mom, and Jeong is the dad

The Jeongs

You: Ma, Pa, remember how you said you wanted me to go home for my birthday?

You: I've decided I'll go there on the 30th, Saturday... and leave on the 5th.

Wang: Okay, dear. I'll tell your father. He doesn't normally check his messages.

Jeong: Since when?

Wang: Hi, dear. When are you coming home?

You: Can I bring my friend over too?

Wang: Of course, dear.


Mh: So you didn't tell them yet?

St: That we're dating? No.

Mh: Okay. By the way, your parents aren't... homophobic, right?

St: Well, if they were, I wouldn't bring you to them, now would I?

Minhae hugs Sotzu.

St: What's wrong?

Mh: I'm just... worried.

St: There's no need to be.

Mh: I want to tell you something.

St: Go on...

Mh: The reason I stopped talking to my parents was because when I was 18, I went back home during the holidays to come out to them, and they were not supportive. They kicked me out and said they never wanted to see me again.

St: Don't worry, my parents already know I like men. They won't be like yours.

Mh: Thank you...

St: Let's change the subject...

Mh: ... What's your sexuality?

St: Oh... I'm bi, you?

Mh: I don't know... I've only ever liked one person.

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