Chapter 24: Mdm.Wang

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St: Come on, help me bring in the luggage.

Mh: Sure, hun.

"Remember, Min. Act normal, don't do anything weird, don't be too touchy" Sotzu said while walking towards the door.

Minhae rang the doorbell.

Wang: Oh, you're home, dear! Is this your friend? What's his name? Oh, that's right. Please come in!

Sotzu and Minhae walk inside.

Wang: You can put your stuff in my son's bedroom, Sotzu's friend.

Wang: Tzu, show your friend around!

"Does she know something?" Minhae whispers to Sotzu.

St: I don't know...

Wang: When you're done getting settled in, please come down. We can have a nice chat.


Sotzu gives a mini room tour to Minhae.

Sotzu's Room:

Sotzu's Room:

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