I. University, Eastern Colorado

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[chapter 1]


I woke up to my brother rummaging around the room, looking for something.

I rub my eyes and yawn. "What're you doing?"

He turns to look at me, noticing i woke up. Then he keeps looking for whatever it is that he needs.

"I'm searching the place for the map we got a while back. You probably lost it somewhere." He explains, annoyed.

I furrow my brows and get up slowly. "I didn't. You took it. And what do you even need it for?"

He freezes and then turns to me. "I decided... we're going to Fort Collins today. I let you sleep in so you would have the energy." Estes tells me quietly and then rummages through my stuff.

"Hey! Those are mine! It's not there, Estes." I cross my arms, frustrated that my privacy isn't respected.

He shakes his head. "Then where the fuck is it?"

I bolt to the living room area and go through piles of random shit. Got it.

"Here." I sigh and go to put on my clothes for the day.

"We're leaving now. Get your shit and come up when you're done." He says, takes his backpack and goes up the ladder.

"Right." I pull up my jeans and walk to my worktable. I get my backpack, weapons and a jacket and go up the ladder like he previously had.

Estes was waiting for me on the ground, sitting on a piece of rubble. The outside was beautiful, looks-wise of course, not in any other way.

"Good. Now let's go." He says, jumps up and starts jogging. I follow him with a huff.

We pass by the forest, stores and other buildings as we travel. After 3 and a half days of traveling, sleeping on the ground by a fire and eating boring food, we see the University.

"Shit. Finally." I breathe as we get closer. Then my face twists in confusion. "No guards. What the fuck?" I silently say and keep walking closer to the entrance.

"Here's a window we can get in from. Come on." So we get in.

We walk around for a while and hear nothing. I feel sadness as i start to realize.

"I don't think they're here anymore." I look down at the ground. This is such bullshit. If Estes wasn't such a pussy we would've got here in time.

"Fuck... Maybe we'll find something. They must've left something to say where they were going." He tries.

"Maybe." I whisper, annoyed.

We loot the rooms for useful stuff. I find some bullets, a few rags, alcohol and even my favorite comic book, Savage Starlight.

I notice a small door and try to open it. It broke off the hinges and fell with a loud clatter. "Fuck, Estes i'm sorry, i-" And he slapped me.

"Be quiet!" He said sharply.

I nodded and i waited as he searched the room. Suddenly i hear footsteps, but i don't tell Estes. I just listen.

Then he seems to hear them too and stops looting the room. He raises his finger to his lips as we hear doors open and close.

Then the door to the room where we are in, opens. I draw my gun and Estes takes out his bat.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask with venom in my voice. The man who opened the door has his hands raised as he walks slowly towards us.

"We ain't here for trouble. You can put the gun down, kid." The man says.

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