XIII. No Good

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[chapter 13]


The guard forces us out of the room with his gun pointed to us.

We're at the door. "Which way?" Joel asks lowly. The guard points left and we walk.

Then Joel gives me a look and i nod. We stop. "The fuck you doing? Keep walking."

We just stand there. "I said keep walk-" and the gun fires just over our heads as Joel turns around and grabs the guy, hits him in the face and points the gun at him.

"Where is the operating room?" He asks sternly. The guard doesn't seem to budge. "I ain't got time for this." And he shoots the guard. "Where?"

Another shot. "Where?!"

The guard whimpers in pain and i just stand there. "Top floor. The far end."

"Thanks." I say and shoot him with the gun i took from the table. We take the rest of our stuff. "Gunshots! Search the floor!" Someone yells.

"Shit. Let's go." Joel says and we run to hide.

"The smuggler. He's in here." A man says and walks past. They don't see us for now.

We jump into a room through a window and go around until we get behind two guys. We stealthily kill them with knives.

We crouch around them to get further. "Somebody's pickin' us off!" A guy yells.

"Guess they found the bodies." I whisper and we keep going.

"There!" Someone yells and they start shooting. Joel shoots back with the assault rifle that he took from the guys we killed and i shoot with my pistol.

We run and run until we lose them. We keep shooting them from behind corners and tables.

Soon most from the floor are picked off as we bolt to the west wing. "Down this way. Stay alert!"

We hide behind a counter and soldiers run past us. We take what we need and go into where the soldier came from.

Suddenly the door to stairwell B opens and guards brush out. "What's going on down there? Did you hear what i- Oh shit. He's over here!"

They run behind a table and so do we. We hear more running there and Joel throws a nail bomn. They scream and whimper as they die painfully.

We finally get to stairwell B and we barricade the door. "Okay. Fuck. This is kinda overwhelming." I panic as we go up the stairs. "It'll be fine kiddo."

We get to the next level and we run past the information desk. We found Marlene's notebook but it was just a bunch of sappy shit and trying to pretend like killing Ellie was okay.

We then attempt to run forward. "They're not responding. Take up positions. No matter what, they don't get through here."

I cock my head. "You sure about that?"

And the shooting starts again. "Don't do that again, kiddo!" Joel yells through the plethora of gunshots to me. I laugh and nod.

Then we get away from them and we crouch through the hospital.

It got pretty nasty. Well, really fucking nasty if I'm being honest. We shot and beat and tore all the guards to death. All that to get to Ellie. But we had to.

We barricade the door and run into another room. There's one of those voice recorder things there. Joel plays it.

"Hey Anna. It's been a while since we spoke. I just gave the okay to proceed with the surgery. I really doubt i had much of a choice. Asking me was more of a formality. I need you to know... that i've kept my promise all these years."

My eyes widen. "They're really gonna kill her."

"Despite everything that i was in charge of, I looked after her. I would've done anything for her, and at times i..."

"Here's a chance to save us. All of us. This is what we were after. What you were after. They asked me to kill the smuggler. I'm not about to kill the one man in this facility that might understand the weight of this choice."

"Maybe... he can forgive me. Oh, I miss you anna. Your daughter will be with you soon."

Tears flood my eyes. "The fuck she won't."

We run to the door at the end of the hallway. Joel opens it and we see silhouettes through the window.

We barge in. "Sweet Jesus." Joel mutters as he opens the door.

"What're you doing in here? I won't let you take her. This is our future. Think of all the lives we'll save." The doctor says to us and threatens us with a scalpel.

Joel takes out his shotgun and blasts his head off. I wince at the sight as we run towards Ellie.

"You fucking animal!" And i shoot her in the leg. "Oh god, just take the girl and leave, okay?"

I rush to Ellie and disconnect her from all the machines.

Then Joel hoists her up into his arms. "Come on baby girl. I gotcha." I almost cry at the sight.

"We gotta go, Joel." I whisper and we run out if there, guards at our tail. We get to an elevator just in time.

"Oh god." Joels voice wavers. We just did something horrible.

The elevator goes down on level P2 and it's doors open. "Come on. Come on." he whispers and we run out only to be stopped by Marlene.

"You can't save her." She has her gun pointed to us. "Shut the fuck up."

"Even if you get her out of here, then what? How long before she's torn to pieces by a pack of clickers? That is if she hasn't been raped or murdered first."

I contort my face in disgust. To even think about that happening to Ellie.

Joel scoffs. "That ain't for you to decide."

"It's what she'd want. And you know it. You can stilld do the right thing here." Joel stays quiet and Marlene puts her gun away.

"Yeah well, maybe we're just not ready to lose her so easy like you are." I say coldly and take out my gun.

I shoot her in the stomach and we run to the cars. Thankfully they have gas. We put Ellie in the back and Joel goes back to Marlene.

"Wait! Let me go. Please." She begs on the floor. "You'd just come after her." And she's dead with a single bullet to the head.

He comes back to the car and we leave.

"We can't tell her." Joel then says. I look at him, confused.

"She won't learn any of it. I'll make something up, okay kid?" He says sternly. I look down with a sigh and shake my head.


After a while we hear Ellie start waking up. "Ugh. What the hell am i wearing?" She asks. I decide to stay quiet.

"Just take it easy. Drugs are still wearing off." Joel says calmly.

"What happened?" She asks. And Joel tells her. Well, he tells a story he made up. We would never be allowed to tell her the real story.

What he said was basically;
"We found the Fireflies. You're immunity means nothing. We're going home."

Simple as that. In reality it wasn't all that simple.

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