V. Hiding

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[chapter 5]


I woke up early to voices outside.

I ran to the window and to my horror i see men looking for us.

"Shit." I run to Ellie and i shake her awake.

"Ellie... Ellie they tracked us!"

She tiredly rubbed her eyes. "Huh?... What? Oh fuck. We gotta draw them away from here."

"No one's going anywhere without me." Estes comes from upstairs.

"I'll run. You two take the horse. We go separate ways." He explains. I grab my backpack and we run up, quietly take the horse and leave.

Estes leaves behind the house and we slowly go forward. We don't get far until a guy grabs me as im sitting behind Ellie on Callus.

"Fuck!" Ellie stabs him and he falls. The other men soon notice us and point their rifles at us.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot them!" "But David said-" "Fuck David! Shoot them now!" The men furiously yell and start shooting.

"Getty up!" Ellie says to the horse and we go faster.

"There they are! Shoot them!"

"No! Get them to David! He wants them alive!"

We gallop through the town until we suddenly get shot off a small cliff. We fall with pained grunts and try to catch our breaths.

I look to my right and see Callus, shot dead. "Oh no..."

"We gotta run!" I nudge Ellie and we bolt towards the cabins.

"There! They're running for the cabins!" We hear the men yell.

"There, Ellie. Jump through that window!" I whisper yell to her and we get in the cabin.

We loot the rooms and stay quiet incase any of Davids men are close.

"Are we really killing the girls? David said he wants them alive. I guess he took an interest to them." One man says.

"He doesn't get to make that call. James told me it's the girls from the University. How many of our guys were killed there?"

"Oh shit. I didn't know that was them."

"Screw David. I ain't taking a chance with this. I just want to finish up and go home. I'm freezing my ass off."

We sneak to the porch, then behind a boat. "Do you see them?!" "I got nothing!"

We then bolt to the stairs on the other side, hiding from the men.

We run up the stairs and the men spot us. We shimmy along a piece of wood and then run away from the men's sight.

Theres a pipe we can go through but something is blocking it. "I'll get it." I say and crouch back out. I pull the thing further so we can get through. "Geez."

So we go through and come to another part of town. "That's the way back. Hang in there, Joel." I give her shoulder a comforting squeeze.

We crouch around, hiding for a while. When we can't get through, Ellie takes a bottle and throws it to distract the guys from us. "Nice thinkin'."

We try to get to the other side of the building without being noticed, but the men see us and start running. "There!"

"Oh shit!" I say and we bolt again. I shoot a few guys, Ellie doing the same as we run.

A guy grabs Ellie and puts her in a chokehold. "Where do you think you're going?"

But Ellie bites him and he soon let's go of her, grunting in pain.

We get to the back of the building and we shoot a couple more guys. "Through here!" Ellie points to a hole in the wall. We push a trash container infront of it and jump in.

"I don't want to get trapped in here." She says and i nod, agreeing.

We look around the rooms for useful stuff as we crouch around. It's an old cafe lodge.

We hear the men outside looking for us.
We get to a doorway and again the men notice us.

"They're on this side of the lodge!" Someone yells as they start shooting at us again.

Ellie shoots them down with her bow and we continue our way. We crouch from right under the men's noses.

"There's the exit." Ellie informs me. "Okay. Let's fucking go."

We excitedly run to it, breaking it open when something grabs me.

I take out my knife and attempt to stab whoever it is, but they block me. Ellie freezes in horror. Then she bolts to him and tries to hit him but David knocks her out cold.

"Relax. Keeping you alive here." Yeah right.

He strangles me until i fall unconscious.


authors note x

a short, kinda boring chapter but oh well. Its about to get more interesting, i promise :)

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