III. Fight is all we are

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[chapter 3]



David gets a fire started. Ellie is sitting on the ground, still ready to blast his head off with the shotgun, but starting to get slightly more comfortable.

"You know, two young girls like you, really shouldn't be out here all alone." He says pointing to us.

I look at Ellie. "We prefer it this way." I say nonchalantly.

"I see." David sighs and looks down at the fire. "What are your names?"

I squint my eyes and shake my head. "Why?"

"Look, i understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers. Whoever's hurt you clearly care about them." He changes the subject.

Ellie looks down in thought, a small, sad expression on her face.

"I'm sure it's gonna be just fine." David says, sounding smug.

"We'll see." Ellie breathes. We sit in silence for a while until a clicking fills the air.

"Oh shit." I whisper and stand up, pointing my gun to the sound.

We stay quiet, while the clicker is searching aimlessly for us. Then Ellie steps back and her foot makes a sound. The clicker jumps towards her but is soon shot down by David.

"You had another gun?" Ellie asks furiously and keeps her rifle pointed at the sounds of the infected.

"Sorry. Okay, I'd really like my rifle back now." David stutters.

"No. You have your pistol!" I say sternly before Ellie can react.

David turns to her. "I hope you know how to use that thing."

"I've had some practice." She says confidently.

David closes the door to stop the infected from getting in so easily. "No matter what, we have to keep them out."

He looks at the deer. "Let's hope they dont find him."

"Cover the windows!"


The infected start getting closer, coming in through the windows and breaking the boards.

"Make every shot count now!" David tells us, annoying Ellie. She sighs. "I've done this before."

I nod. "Me too. We're fine."

I shoot a few infected as they come in through the window. One gets david into a hold and Ellie shoots it. We all shoot at the fungi monsters for a good few minutes.

"Nice goin', kids!" David yells and i scoff.

I take one infected into a chokehold ss it gets closer to me and i stab it into it's carotid until it falls to the ground with a heavy thud.

"Eli!" Ellie yells and i whip around, seeing her being held and grabbed by an infected. I quickly run to her and stab the infected in its neck so it let's Ellie go.

"Thanks." She breathes, holding her neck. I nod and we keep shooting.

Then all of them are down. For now.

"You weren't kidding. You're a better shot with that thing than i am." David laughs and heads over to move a locker. "Gimme a hand with this."

We go over to push it with him. We get it over the window when a clicker grabs me. "Fuck!"

David soon shoots it in the head. "Oh shit." Ellie says breathlessly.

More infected come closer to the building, trying to get in. We keep shooting at them.

"Screw it. We're getting out of this room." David says after a while.

He kicks in a door and run to a hallway. "Alright, kids. This way."

We run up a few stairs. "C'mon. I'll block their path." He says and ushers us in. "Cover the stairs!"

Ellie effectively shoots almost all of them by herself as David pushes a big locker infront of the doorway.

"Follow me, Through here."


David confidently walks his ass into a random room. "Do you know where you're going?"

"Never set a foot in this place." He admits.

"Oh fucking great." I say, out of breath.

He looks around the room. "It's clear. This way."

"Right behind you."

We run through the room and up the stairs. "How you two holdin' up?"

"Worry 'bout yourself, old man." I sass as we keep running up.

"Alright. Stay close."

We jump over a piece of rubble and suddenly the floor breaks. Me and Ellie fall fown with a painful thud.

"Kids, you alright?" David asks from upstairs.

"We're fine."

We hear noises. "More clickers. Get outta there!"

We fight our way throught the clickers and we get to a ladder. We climb it up.

Theres a clicker there thats charging at us, but it gets shot down. "You alright?" It's David.

"There you are." Ellie says.

"Come on - door's this way." He says and runs away.

We get to a place where we need a ladder.

"That was so close. We need to get up there. There. That ladder could work."

"I'm on it." Ellie announces and looks for a place to get up. I boost her up on a higher ground. We wait as she climbs up and then drops the ladder to us.

She jumps down and we climb up to where we need to go.

"Through here." David says and we run into an another room.

"We need to find a way outta here."

"Yeah, no shit." I say as we look around the room. Theres two sets of stairs going on a slightly higher piece of ground. There are multiple windows and the ceiling is high.

We loot the room as we hear infected coming closer and closer.

"Fuck me."


author's note x

I didn't want to write all that fighting😭

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