IV. He's good to me

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[chapter 4]


"Hey, girls?" David says.


"You know, i think we did it." He says proudly. I look around, listening for sounds of infected. "Like we killed all of 'em?"

"Don't sound so dissapointed." He laughs. I run around the room, picking up stuff i might need.

"More like disbelief." Ellie mutters. "I'll check the bridge." And he runs to the bridge.

I patch myself up and Ellie does the same, and then we follow after him.

He stops by a gap in the wall. "Listen."

"No infected." I say in amazement.

"No infected." David repeats. I look to the direction where we previously came from. "We should head back."

David nods and we walk down.

"You girls handled yourselves pretty nice back there. Ha, whew, I'd say we make a pretty good team." David laughs again.

"Psshh. We got lucky." Ellie says lowly, looking at David.

"Lucky? No, no... No such thing as luck." I squint my brows. "What do you mean?"

"You see i believe that everything happens for a reason." He points around, looking at the slowly dying fire.

"Sure." Ellie looks away in thought. "I do. And i can prove it to you."

I snicker silently. "Yeah, how?"

"This winter has been especially cruel. A wek weeks back, I ah... sent a group of men out - nearby town to look for food. Only a few came back." He explains.

Ellie blows her hands, attemping to warm them up and also to calm the nerves slowly building from his eerie voice.

"They said that the others had been uh, slaughtered by crazy men." Suddenly he laughs. "And get this, they're - crazy men traveling with two little girls."


"You see? Everything happens for a reason." I get up swiftly, pointing my gun at him again. Ellie does the same.

"Now don't get upset. It's not your fault. You're just... little girls." He says nonchalantly, still looking down.

"James lower the gun." I whip around, seeing the other man, James, with his gun pointed at me.

"no way, David. I'm not gonna let them go-" He says.

"Lower... the gun. Now give them the medicine." He says, eerily calm.

James tosses us the medicine and speaks;
"The others won't be happy about this."

"Yeah well, that's not your concern." He says annoyedly. I move closer to the door, while still aiming my gun at the two. Ellie grabs the meds.

"Get the fuck out of the way." I say coldly and we run out.

"You won't survive long out there! I can protect you."

"No thanks." Ellie says as we run further away, back to Callus. We mount the horse and look at eachother.

"Let's get outta here!" I nod and the horse gallops back.

We get back before dark, looking around, scared that David would follow us.

"I think we're good."

We get inside. "Where the fuck have you been!" Estes greets us nicely.

"Sorry, but we needed to try and get food." I explain and look away. "I could've gone." He says sternly.

"I know. I wanted to go." Ellie goes back up to get the rabbit from the horse.

Estes walks closer to me slowly. "You reckless little shit. Don't think i don't know what you're doing. Even with them here, I'm in control of you." He raises his fist and hits me in the face.

I stumble back and groan. "Hey!" Someone yells. Ellie.

She heard all of it. And saw him hit me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asks my brother coldly and squints her eyes. I hold my cheek in pain as i stand in the corner, watching Estes carefully.

For a moment i'm scared that he will hit Ellie, but he doesn't. He wouldn't do something like that, would he?

"You don't fucking touch her again, okay?" Ellie tries and points at him furiously.

"Ellie... It's okay. Let's just help Joel." I mumble and walk closer to the unconscious man.

Ellie eyes Estes carefully, but walks to me. "Okay."

My brother just walks outside with a angered grunt. Now that he's gone, Ellie gets curious.

"Why did he do that?" She looks at me with a sad expression.

I shrug. "He always does it. It's what i deserve for being reckless."

She shakes her head and whispers. "What?"

"He can be nice too, you know. When he isn't stressed, he's good to me." I smile and try to avoid any other kind of conversation.

"Eileanoir... He beats you." She says and puts a hand on my shoulder. "That isn't 'being good'. He doesn't own you."

I look up at her. "But- But he raised me. He had to go through a lot, he-"

"Oh fuck that! He still can't hurt you like that."

I smile sadly. "It's okay." Ellie shakes her head and looks down. "Doesn't seem okay."

I take the meds from Ellies backpack. "Let's just do this."

So we give Joel the medicine and he slightly grunts and moves. "Sorry."

"All done. That's it." Ellie smiles sadly. I look at her. "He's gonna make it."

She nods and we get to sleep.

"Night, Ellie." I whisper.

"Night Eli."

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