XV. Kenji Pushes Eva To Her Imminent Death

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Chapter Fifteen: Kenji Pushes Eva To Her Imminent Death


A pteranodon crashed into the glass, the glass splintering at its impact point. Eva jumped, hands in front of her.

Everyone quickly grabbed a flashlight from the back wall to smash the lights. When Brooklynn grabbed the last two, Eva quickly slipped her Rutherford hoodie over her head, balling it around her fist. She stood on a chair and began punching the lights out with her hoodie-wrapped fist.

"Wh-what should I do?" Ben cried, also without a flashlight.

"Just keep outta the way!" Brooklynn shouted as she handed one of her flashlights to Yasmina.

Pteronadons continuously attacked the monorail, breaking the glass windows or landing on the top with thunks.

Eva smashed the last light of their monorail car as Darius threw open the door dividing their car from the next one up.

Darius shouted out instructions: "Brooklynn, you're with Yaz. Sammy, help Ben and Bumpy cross! Eva, Kenji, you two get the lights!"

Eva nodded, determined. She pushed past Darius to the next car, and immediately began getting to work. Eva destroyed the lights on the left side of the car while Kenji took the right. Underneath them, Sammy was urging Bumpy through the aisle.

When they finished with their car, they ran to the third only to find it already dark. In the fourth, with the lights still on, Sammy pointed out the window. Ahead on their track, a smoking and fiery, much destroyed monorail sat on the tracks. If they didn't do something fast, the two monorails would crash into one another.

"I told you—"

"Don't," Brooklynn warned as she ran past.

"If we don't switch tracks or stop this car right now, we're gonna hit that thing, full speed!"

Kenji jumped off one of the seats, pointing at a closed door. "The front car, there's control panels there! VIP tour, I was eight, they let me drive!"

Darius ran forward in an attempt to pry the door open. "No, no, no!"

The others quickly joined, but it was clear: the door was locked.

Darius smacked his flashlight against the window in the door uselessly. Pteronadons screeched around them.

"I'm gonna get to the control car through there," he said as he ran back to the other side of the car, motioning to a hatch in the ceiling.

"You're gonna what?"

"You can't go out there! Th-th-th-th— that's where the flying whatevers are!"

"We don't have a choice! Me and..." His gaze fell on Ben— scared, helpless Ben, his eyes heart breaking, his clattering teeth and whimpers sorrowful. "I'm the only one that can fit."

Another pteronadon collided with the monorail, shaking them. Eva's hands fell into a chair, stopping her from falling on the ground.

"Distract the flock while I crawl over the top of the control car. Use the flashlights, just keep them away from—"

The hatch creaked. Eva snapped her head up to see Ben climbing through it to the top of the monorail. Her eyes widened.

Darius quickly climbed after him.

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