XCI. The Nublar Seven

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Chapter Ninety One:  The Nublar Seven


The campers all climbed down from the bird perch. As they reached the ground, the blue skies overhead turned to dark grey clouds, and bits of hail and snow began pelting through the air.

The seven began to run, only to be cut off by the spinosaurus. They screamed in fear and turned. Toro met them from the other side.

"Split up! We'll meet at the boat!"

Ben, Yaz and Sammy ran one way while Kenji, Brooklynn, Darius and Eva ran the other.

Brooklynn led the way towards the hatch near the watering hole, which led into the sewers. Eva double took the grate covering the sewer which the water was coming through. The grate itself looked like it had a hole blown through it. She just hoped whatever they ran into wouldn't be too dangerous down there.

The girls headed down first, followed by Kenji, and Darius.

Kenji gagged as he entered the sewer, causing Eva to laugh at his demise.

"You get used to it," she said, snickering.

They ran through the sewers, guided by the red lights, when Brooklynn stopped, and the trio stopped alongside her.

Something clattered in the distance, and Eva thought back to the torn up grate outside. Something was definitely inside with them.

A pteranodon emerged from the dark and roared.

"Ah! That does not belong in here!"

The pteranodon flew forward as they crossed a bridge, and wrapped its talons around Brooklynn's shoulders. Kenji grabbed onto her hand in an attempt to pull her back, but the pterosaur pulled them both into the air.

Eva slipped off her shoe and chucked it at the pteranodon's head, yelling, "That's my best friend, bitch!" The shoe clonked the dinosaur on the head, then fell into the water below.

"Really? Eva?" Darius asked. Eva shrugged.

The pteranodon dropped the two over a bridge, where Kenji landed on the hard metal, Brooklynn nearly fell into the water. Kenji caught her, though, and pulled her to safety.

The pteranodon emerged from the watery depths and jumped onto the bridge, separating Kenji from Brooklynn.

"Keep going! I'll meet you at the boat!" Brooklynn shouted before taking off towards the core.


"You think Brooklynn's okay?" Kenji asked, breaking the silence as they emerged from the jungle air lock.

"She's got this on lock," Darius answered confidently. "If Eva's plan goes all right..."

"Come on," Eva grinned. "It's crazy enough for us, it might just work."

"The airlock is just up ahead!"

The spinosaurus emerged from the jungle, cutting Darius and Eva off from Kenji. Poor Kenji kept running, not noticing the two being taken away.

They were led to the compound.

Darius tripped, falling face first into the dirt. Eva quickly helped him up, keeping him behind her as they backed up. The spinosaurus appeared out of the jungle, with Big Bird controlling him just behind him. It stopped, its head a few feet away from the two teenagers.

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