LII. Welcome to Darilynn

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Chapter Fifty Two:  Welcome to Darilynn


"There's no way," Yaz snickered. "You're fo-sho lying."

"Come on, I'm funny, but I'm not funny enough to come up with this specific scenario," Eva giggled alongside her.

"Okay, wait, I'm confused," Brooklynn said. "If you gave him, a, y'know..."

"Just say it, it's a boner," Sammy said, nudging the younger girl.

"Why do you think Kenji doesn't like you?"

"Come on, y'all. That's typical fuckboy mannerisms." At her friends raised eyebrows, Eva elaborated, "Any guy that is cute and flirts with enough girls on a weekly basis counts as a fuckboy in my book."

"But he doesn't flirt with any of us," Yaz pointed out.

"Yeah," Brooklynn agreed. "He's only been flirting with you this entire time."

Eva blushed. "N-no he hasn't."

Brooklynn sighed. "I want to meddle so bad."

Yaz shook her head, "No, they have to fess up on their own."

"Wha—? Guys—"

"I know, but it would make this whole thing easier if I could tell them they're in love with each other."

"Don't you dare do that," Sammy whispered. "Besides, I bet Yaz Kenji will confess first."

"Oh my god, he doesn't like me like that!" Eva shouted, then quickly looked around to make sure he didn't hear her.

Yasmina and Sammy shared a knowing look.

"Whatever," Eva muttered before walking away from her girls.


Arms over her head, Eva stretched deeply, a yawn escaping her lips as she leaned backwards. Music played in one of the tabs open in her brain, and she opened the sliding door of the bedroom with a bang.

She entered, eyeing the room carefully. The bed took over an entire wall, fitted with white sheets, and a large, tiger print blanket. The wall across from the bed were decorated with paintings: Mitch on a pelt covered chair drinking from a golden goblet, surrounded by the heads of the animals he's killed; Mitch and Tiff at the beach looking a little too sociopathic; Mitch wearing a king's crown, holding a sword, and kissing Tiff, who is wrapped up in the skin of a cheetah. The sight made Eva vomit a little in her mouth.

Otherwise, the bedroom looked a little too homely for two sociopaths, in Eva's opinion. Everything else seemed totally normal. There were two nightstands on either side of the bed, and a short bookcase.

Eva approached the bookcase, checking out all the titles that fit onto the three small shelves. She huffed, backing away from it with a pout.

At the sound of footsteps, she turned her head, unsurprised to see Kenji there.


"Hey, Pretty Boy," she greeted.

Kenji cleared his throat, motioning to the bookcase. "Any good reads?"

"Nah, all they have are Nicholas Sparks books."

Kenji chuckled, stepping into the room. He shoved his hands into his shorts pockets, looking around the small room. "What are you doing in here? The others have all crashed on the other side of the boat. I noticed you were missing..."

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