LIX. The Man In The Yellow Coat

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Chapter Fifty Nine:  The Man In The Yellow Coat


Eva groaned, her eyes scrunched shut, and her fingers gingerly pressed into her side.

"Are you okay?"

"I guess," she mumbled as she opened her eyes. "I'm good."

Kenji offered her a hand up, which she graciously accepted. "I'm so glad you're all right!" He pulled her into a quick hug, where Eva buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"Woah, what?" Ben said.

"They're in looove!" Sammy sang.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Eva howled.

Kenji blushed red. His hand fell to her lower back, pulling her along with him.

After one glance at the clearly dead Scorpios Rexes, they began their trek back to the boat in silence.


By the time they had reached the boat, night had once again fallen, and the incessant bank of clouds swept over the island, blocking out whatever sun was left. Eva pulled her hoodie tighter around her arms, shuddering at the cool wind blowing, which was a change from the normal warm air.

Her wrist was also killing her and hurt to move, not to mention her chest ached every time she breathed.

"Well, this is it," Eva sniffed.

Sammy wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks. "I know I've asked you this like a hundred times on the walk back, but are you sure you wanna stay behind, Ben?"

"Yeah, man, after everything we just went through, it's absolutely insane that you don't wanna leave," Kenji told him.

"Well, okay, I know— I know it seems that way, but the Scorpioses are gone now. I'll be okay. You guys are my family, but this island is my home. I know how to survive here."

"But every time I think of you out here all alone..."

"Yeah, and I'll miss you," Yasmina piped up.

Eva smiled slightly, looking between their resident jungle boy and their track star. She never thought the two would be so close, but they truly cared for each other, and Eva loved that for them.

"We'll all miss you," Brooklynn added.

Thunder rumbled across the sky, lightning striking somewhere in the distance.

"Another storm is on the way. Best sail out before it rolls in."

Everyone pulled Ben into a hug. The last Camp Fam hug Ben would be a part of.

"Come on, guys," said Darius. "Ben's made up his mind. We gotta respect it."

The campers pulled away, all except Eva. She hung back as the others started their walk to the boat.

She raised her eyebrows, and opened her mouth to speak, but Ben beat her to it.

"You're getting on that boat, Eva."

"Yeah, I am, cause I'm fucking exhausted, but you— you... I said I wouldn't leave you behind alone, but..."

"I'll be okay, Eva. I was built for this. And besides, I got Bumpy by my side. And you have Kenji by your side. We'll both be okay."

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