LXXV. Not Little Ass Kicker

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Chapter Seventy Five:  Not Little Ass Kicker


Yaz and Kenji tackled the BRAD to the ground, keeping it still for Brooklynn to come in and take it out.

"Hurry!" Yaz snapped.

"Hypothetically, the older model should be easier to hack, and we know it can send commands, so..."

"We can get this BRAD to send commands to Darius's BRAD-X to listen to him," Eva finished, shooting her best friend a smile.

"That's genius!"

"I just hope Darius can hang in there a little bit longer."

"He can. He's resilient, like you," Eva smiled.

Eva laid down against the floor, her head resting in Kenji's lap as Brooklynn worked. She knew Eva was there if she needed any help, but she wasn't asking, so Eva was savoring was little time she had for a nap.

Kenji played with her hair and she relaxed on him, Eva enjoying the way his nails scratched against her scalp. He leaned down, placing his lips against her own, in their own version of a Spider-Man kiss.

"Oh my god," Ben groaned.

Eva reached up her hands to place them on Kenji's cheeks, keeping her eyes closed as they continued to kiss.

"Really guys?" Yaz asked.

Eva smiled sweetly, pecking his lips one more time before pulling away.

Brooklynn gasped, catching all their attention. "I did it! Stop, you don't have to do this. It's Brooklynn. Long story short, I hacked a BRAD," Brooklynn said as she typed.

"Tell him we miss him," Ben said.

"And to be careful," Eva added.

"Destroy the chip, and I'll have this guy tell Kash you injected the spino with it. He'll never know."

"Brooklynn, I... thank you."

"I can't control its weapons or anything yet, but you are so not alone, dude."

"Thanks, guys. Hey! I know what Kash is up to. He's working on a big demonstration for Mantah Corp investors. It's going down in six days. Now, if we can figure out a way to mess it up..."

"We can put an end to Kash's dino fights, and take Mantah Corp down for good!"

I love when Brooklynn and Darius finish each other's sentences. Darilynn for the win.

Brooklynn collapsed back against the wall. Eva lowered herself to her best friend's side. "You did good, B. I'm proud of you, and I know Darius is, too."

"Thanks, Evy."

"And I know you're worried about him, but he can handle himself really well. He's survived on Nublar all this time, he can definitely survive with Kash. Besides, six days? We're getting him back sooner than you think."

Brooklynn opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, hesitating. Eva raised her eyebrows curiously. "You were right. I might, slightly, just a little bit, have a teeny tiny little crush on Darius."

Eva grinned. "I can't wait for Darilynn to happen."

"Darilynn?" Brooklynn laughed. "I doubt he even likes me like that."

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